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Rich Rodriguez: Eager to take a cheap shot at Michigan? Wait in line


Rich Rodriguez hears what's being said about him and Michigan football.

So when Notre Dame coach Charlie Weis said "to hell with Michigan," before the Fighting Irish's spring game -- Rodriguez wasn't fazed.
"We've taken a lot of shots in the last few months," he said Sunday at the Michigan Golf Course before he teed off in the Champions for Children's Hearts celebrity golf tournament, hosted by former Wolverines Brian Griese and Steve Hutchinson. "If you want to take another one, you're going to have to stand in line. But I don't get caught up in that stuff too much."
Instead, Rodriguez has enjoyed traveling the country as Michigan's newest high-profile ambassador.
He has gone from New York to San Diego to Los Angeles to South Carolina and Arizona, introducing himself to alums and discussing the future of the university's football program.
"It's more national here (at Michigan)," he said. "At West Virginia we were a little more regional, we would go to a few surrounding states, but we wouldn't go as far as L.A. and San Diego, but a lot of the similar type of functions, going out to meet people. That's the part of the job I actually enjoy, particularly the first year, they don't know me. I don't know what they see on TV or read in the papers but at least let them get the real story when they talk to me."

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TheIronColonel;1166238; said:
What? Michigan has a miniature golf course? No wonder they keep hauling in recruits. We've gotta get on that gravy train!

Yeah the 3rd hole is a monster, its the Mike Hart hole.

You have to time the putt between the revolutions of a stationary bike's pedals.

Good news is its a par 4.
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Jaxbuck;1166348; said:
Good news is its a par 4.

But don't worry, even if you don't make it on your fourth shot people in Ann Arbor will still think you're pretty good at golfing. Everyone else will laugh at you.

Also watch out for the AA par 3, it's supposed to be the easiest hole on the course, but it's tougher than it looks!
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NFBuck;1166116; said:
Think back to OSU's last NC.

Wow. :rofl:

At least there's a few quasi-level headed people there...well, aside from the guy who thinks DR is gonna build an "unstoppable" machine. And I always get a chuckle from scUM fans saying we can't defend speed or the spread. :lol:

Just wanted to point out that the basis of that comparison was that scUM's defense this year is stronger than their offense.

Well, in that case, scUM is going to win it all!!!!
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3074326;1166369; said:
Just wanted to point out that the basis of that comparison was that scUM's defense this year is stronger than their offense.

Well, in that case, scUM is going to win it all!!!!

Could you imagine the season on tap if their current offense was actually stronger than their defense?

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