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He'll wind up just wishing? :p

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MaizeandBlue;1166951; said:
the talk on campus is he is going to be the next Braylon Edwards.
MililaniBuckeye;1166955; said:
He's going to drop critical passes in The Game?

Beat me to it Mili....

Setting aside the fact that RRs spread isn't necessarily a pass happy WR factory, I seriously question why Michigan fans would be excited for a guy who - apparently - can't catch a cold when it matters. Can I assume that Newsome is going to be as polished at throwing jump balls as Chad Henne? Say what you will about Ol CH, but the fucker could throw the fuck out of a jump ball, no?
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I think the Michigan faithful are sippin/smokin some seriously good shit fellas. I thinkin bout jumping in the tacoma and takin my ass to AA and get some of what these MF's are smokin. You guys are a comedy show up there.

All I heard was Watt was a silent commit and today there was an update where he doesn't even guarantee Michigan to stay in his top 5. I assume the interview was done since the BBQ...What was in that shit anyways...I think RR's snake oil might have a mickey...your losing it up there.

Congrats on the Commit but comparing him to Edwards is freakin ridiculous. GMAFB with what the fags on campus think... hes the next BE...WTFU.

I'm still laughin at that remark...almost as hard as the Appy State loss.
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I think the Michigan faithful are sippin/smokin some seriously good shit fellas. I thinkin bout jumping in the tacoma and takin my ass to AA and get some of what these MF's are smokin. You guys are a comedy show up there.
One might think you already did.
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Nope just high on life...but this is some funny shit. GBW just trying to snag these idiots into premium subscriptions with there slanted B.S. info thats all!!! Funny shit actually...freakin the next BE...GMAFB. i GOT AN IDEA HOW ABOUT WE WAIT AND SEE HIM PLAY IN COLLEGE BEFORE WE MAKE THOSE CLAIMS HAHAHA what a joke.
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brutus2002;1167347; said:
Nope just high on life...but this is some funny shit. GBW just trying to snag these idiots into premium subscriptions with there slanted B.S. info thats all!!! Funny shit actually...freakin the next BE...GMAFB. i GOT AN IDEA HOW ABOUT WE WAIT AND SEE HIM PLAY IN COLLEGE BEFORE WE MAKE THOSE CLAIMS HAHAHA what a joke.

I think you need to chill out a little bit, dude... Just like you're screaming "...WAIT AND SEE HIM PLAY IN COLLEGE BEFORE WE MAKE THOSE CLAIMS...", I think you need to take a bit of your own advice and wait and see what kind of class UM signs. Who cares if their fans are excited? It's a long time between now and signing day. Anything can happen...
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