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MaizeandBlue;1166951; said:
the talk on campus is he is going to be the next Braylon Edwards.
Oh yeah? James Jackson is gonna be the next Teddy Ginn, Santonio Holmes and Joey Galloway all rolled into one!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!

jwinslow;1166954; said:
Your propensity for absurdity is truly remarkable. It simply never fails.
You ain't kidding.

And why are you believing what the yokels on campus are saying M&B? Did this come from DickRod's mouth?

ShakerBuck;1167005; said:
Thats one of the dumbest things i've ever heard on a number or levels
Read back through some of his other posts, that was only a tremor.

EPIC LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yep until he shows me something in college count me as skeptical. I guess thats why I served my country so I could take shit to Michigan fans...considering I'm from NW ohio 2 miles from the MESHITAGAIN LINES AND HAD TO HEAR THOSE ASSHOLES TALK SHIT FOR YEARS. There are alot of internet toughguys out there these days. I bet if we saw how alot of these guys really lived you would be suprised...everyone is 6'8 300 pound badass behind a monitor.
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brutus2002;1167588; said:
Yep until he shows me something in college count me as skeptical. I guess thats why I served my country so I could take shit to Michigan fans...considering I'm from NW ohio 2 miles from the MESHITAGAIN LINES AND HAD TO HEAR THOSE ASSHOLES TALK SHIT FOR YEARS. There are alot of internet toughguys out there these days. I bet if we saw how alot of these guys really lived you would be suprised...everyone is 6'8 300 pound badass behind a monitor.

Not me. I'm 4'2" 633lbs with bad acne and a lisp.
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I forgot who it was but there was picture of a reknowned poster on Rivals who posted a picture of himself and where he lived. He was fatter than Mangino and lived like a pig...

Having a lisp is not cool...neither is being 4' something and 600+ pounds
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brutus2002;1167610; said:
I forgot who it was but there was picture of a reknowned poster on Rivals who posted a picture of himself and where he lived. He was fatter than Mangino and lived like a pig...

Having a lisp is not cool...neither is being 4' something and 600+ pounds
Did he suspect "suspicious activity" on his site and come here looking for Tibor?

The hell it's not cool. I taught the Fonz how to start the damn jukebox... don't tell me what's cool.
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Mothra;1167466; said:
Who cares if their fans are excited?

For one, I care.

I care because without their excitement about any recruit they get, without their excitement (irrational excitement at that) about the next savior of college football coaching in DickWad, without their excitement in the new S&C coach, without any of it, the inevitable fall (and failures) aren't nearly as delicious.

Would the past year of watching the ineptitude of ND's offense been as enjoyable as it was if it weren't for the NDChiefs of the world pumping Charlie "Michelin Man" Weis up as the offensive genius with a schematic advantage and all his shiny SB rings to wow recruits? Don't get me wrong, watching ND suck ass was a thing of beauty bringing much joy to my life, but the NDChiefs of the world added a little more joy to it.
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