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NFBuck;1164137; said:
Very true, and thus far he hasn't been blowing people out of the water like many um fans prognosticated (again, not saying you). I'd say they're missing out on some that would have had um much higher, if not chosen um had they been recruited by the previous regime.

Again, true, but is that a good idea? When m*ch*g*n has top shelf talent, how are coaches going to look at that? I'm also curious about your thoughts as DickRod's BP public defender on whether or not all the negative publicity sourrounding him will have lasting impacts on his recruiting. Percieved or true, he's not coming off well at all, how do you expect coaches and parents to react to him?
Obviously I'm going to come off quite the homer answering that question. But I don't think it's going to make such a huge difference. You're not going to see him having to settle for three-stars who'd otherwise go to Indiana. Take Bryce McNeal. By his own admission he's pretty religious and is by accounts a pretty quality kid. Honors his father and mother and all that. Loves Michigan. You'd think he'd be the type you'r talking about that would stay away, but both he and his parents favor U-M pretty highly.
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HailToMichigan;1164146; said:
Obviously I'm going to come off quite the homer answering that question. But I don't think it's going to make such a huge difference. You're not going to see him having to settle for three-stars who'd otherwise go to Indiana. Take Bryce McNeal. By his own admission he's pretty religious and is by accounts a pretty quality kid. Honors his father and mother and all that. Loves Michigan. You'd think he'd be the type you'r talking about that would stay away, but both he and his parents favor U-M pretty highly.
Well, you never fail at that. :wink2:
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brutus2002;1164144; said:
You know exactly what I mean HailtoMichigan and your lame comments only solidify my argument. There is nothing you can say but some lame comment about ranking or target GMAFB...you know I meant targets!!! pUT YOUR TAIL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS FRIEND...YOU MAY GET 2-3 OF THOSE TOP 15 TARGETS IF YOUR LUCKY AND IMO THATS BEING GENEROUS ON MY PART.

Heck I could go to your top 25 targets and you guys are only in the running for about 5-6 and the rest are pipedreams.

Michigan having a top 10 class ends this year my friend. You know they are desperate when they are recruiting MS hard...Have things gotten that bad.
Let me educate you on something, now. Going to Scout and copying down a list does not constitute knowledge. If you actually had the knowledge you claim, you'd have included Xavier Nixon. You'd have included Chris Freeman. You'd have left off Tate Forcier (we have two QB's already, slick. If he really, really wants to come, we'll take him, but do you really think he's going to get all kinds of attention from Michigan any more?) You wouldn't have even put MSU and Josh Boyd in the same sentence. (Lemme give you a hint: FSU, Tenn, 'Bama, etc.) You wouldn't have dismissed Braxton Lane so offhandedly ("Despite denying a favorite, one school that Lane is seriously interested in is Michigan. 'I really like coach Rich Rodriguez,' he said. 'He's real good and I like the direction they are moving. He's all about winning.
'I also love how Michigan is finally investing in some better facilities and improving the Big House,' he said. 'I also really love the tradition there. That's important to me.'")

I could go on. But you're so rarely right about Michigan recruiting, you become a cariacature, and everyone can see it.

P.S.: The article quoted in the Braxton Lane parentheses is a Scout article. And here I thought you bothered to read Scout.
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I don't have premium...on any site...never have. I live in the south (unfortunately) and I know the happenings of the SEC and ACC country in recruitng particularly well... Alabama, Georgia, LA, and Mississippi.

You guys are the leaders for only a few players in your top 30 prospects. Thames and Mc Neal are probably your two best chances. If LSU offers Thames Michigan can forget about it...if they haven't already. MSU will be a player because Croom is recruiting well.

Yes I know about Nixon...pipedream. He may have Michigan in his top 5 now but when the season starts and you guys drop a few games you'll be cut off the list. I have a buddy in Virginia that tells me that Newsome will be recurited hard until NLOID by VT and others...better hope he stays committed.

Keep talking but Michigan doesn't have too many blue chippers that have them on top...good luck

I watched all three AAA games last year live or on T.V. OSU had the best overall talent by far last year. USC was second and the drop off from there was significant. At every AA game they were ranting and raving about Buckeye players. If this continues to happen and you guys fall of the radar in recruiting your gonna be in serious trouble. This isn't the big east this is the B10.
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I'm gonna remember this thread on NLOID HailtoMichigan...believe me. Lane has you guys in the top 5 whhhhhaaaaaaoooooooooo thats big news:!. McNeal and Thames are your best chances as of right now kid. I'm glad someone has Michigan in their top 5 because only a few have them in the top 2.
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Hey HailtoMichigan I wonder if Sam Webb and some of those other guys don't lead recruits in their questions...hmmm never thought of that before:!. Thats how the recruiting services get premium subscribers. Just because someone says they like your coach doesn't mean crap. When they say...Michigan is on top like McNeal has then you can be confident. Just trying to help ya out kid.

Slanted questions/information is a wonderful thing.
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You're really playing the 'if you really followed recruiting' card just days after having no clue on Holloman?

Conversely, brutus for every accusation of homerism, hyperbole and lack of credibility you make towards HTM, you're at least tripling it in response.
HailToMichigan;1164146; said:
Obviously I'm going to come off quite the homer answering that question. But I don't think it's going to make such a huge difference. You're not going to see him having to settle for three-stars who'd otherwise go to Indiana. Take Bryce McNeal. By his own admission he's pretty religious and is by accounts a pretty quality kid. Honors his father and mother and all that. Loves Michigan. You'd think he'd be the type you'r talking about that would stay away, but both he and his parents favor U-M pretty highly.
They end up in South Bend too.
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Nice get for TSUN in McNeal.

Couple of questions:

When did McNeal get the bump from 3* to 4* and #40 WR to #16 on Scout? (Must have been fairly recent - linked article is March 28th).

Bryce McNeal, the 6-foot-2, 180 pound three-star wide receiver from Breck High School in Minneapolis, Minn., finished his junior season with 31 catches for 720 yards and nine touchdowns.
McNeal, Scout.com's No. 40 wide receiver, says he has 10 scholarship offers, but denies any favorites. "I don't have a top five or six or anything," he said. "I don't have any kind of list yet, but I'll probably choose my top five within the next two months.

Second - and you may not know the answer to this - trying to reconcile the "fully qualified" claim in his profile with the asserted Core GPA of 2.4 and ACT of 21 - which, taken literally, would be off the charts in the wrong direction.
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I guess my list was right eh. Chris Watt has supposedly gave a silent verbal to Michigan acording to some idiots over at GBW. If a kid attends an event like that and you are not the leader or get a verbal its not good...I forgot its a silent verbal righttttttttttt GMAFB.

Nice pick-up on McNeal even though it was in the books a long time ago.
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