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2007 Preseason and Regular season Polls

Ack. Fumbled that one. Not only that, somehow California jumped us a spot in Sagarin. Last week, only Colley had California ahead of us, and we were ahead of them in overall computer composite.

I'm still standing by my #2 prediction on Tellshow. His BCS points number had us just .0113 back from California last week. With the Bears being idle and Purdue being a top 20 win, I think we make up those points.
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AP poll is out. tOSU is #3, USC dropped to #10.

01. LSU (65) 6-0.....1625....1
02. California 5-0.....1538....3
03. Ohio St. 6-0......1511....4
04. Boston Coll 6-0..1346....7
05. South Fla 5-0....1339....6
06. Oklahoma 5-1....1221...10
07. S. Carolina 5-1..1183....11
08. W. Virginia 5-1..1059....13
09. Oregon 4-1.......1047....14
10. S. Calif 4-1.......1024.....1
11. Missouri 5-0........966....17
12. Va Tech 5-1.......910....15
13. Florida 4-2.........822......9
14. Arizona St. 6-0....752....18
15. Cincinnati 6-0......705....20
16. Hawaii 6-0...........634...16
17. Kentucky 5-1.......612.....8
18. Illinois 5-1...........595....NR
19. Wisconsin 5-1......551.....5
20. Kansas 5-0..........336...NR
21. Florida St. 4-1.....307....NR
22. Auburn 4-2.........248....NR
23. Texas 4-2..........136.....19
24. Georgia 4-2........131.....12
25. Tennessee 3-2.....90.....NR

Others receiving votes: Texas A&M 79, Colorado 48, Purdue 48, Indiana 40, Michigan 31, Texas Tech 27, Rutgers 25, Virginia 22, Connecticut 20, Kansas St. 18, Boise St. 17, Clemson 13, Penn St. 13, Maryland 11, Alabama 9, Nebraska 9, Mississippi St. 3, Washington 2, Wyoming 2.
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Coaches Poll is out (I think SI placed the wrong one under their 'AP' title).

Oct. 7, 2007

1. LSU (58).............6-0 1,498.......2
2. California ............5-0.1,416.......3
3. Ohio State (2)......6-0.1,399.......4
4. Boston College ....6-0..1,283.......6
5. (tie) Oklahoma ....5-1..1145.......10
5. (tie) South Fla.....5-0..1,145.......9
7. S. California.........4-1..1,000.......1
8. Oregon................4-1...936.......13
9. W. Virginia............5-1...931.......12
10. Virginia Tech ......5-1...913.......14
11. Missouri..............5-0...897.......17
12. South Carolina......5-1...823......18
13. Arizona State ......6-0...763.......19
14. Florida.................4-2...714........7
15. Wisconsin ............5-1...689.......5
16. Hawaii.................6-0...632.......15
17. Cincinnati............6-0...578........24
18. Kentucky.............5-1...493.........8
19. Illinois.................5-1...425........NR
20. Kansas................5-0...390........NR
21. Florida State........4-1...213........NR
22. Texas.................4-2...195........16
23. Georgia...............4-2...188........11
24. Purdue................5-1...149........20
25. Auburn................4-2...143........NR
Dropped out
Dropped out: No. 21 Rutgers (3-2, lost to then-No. 24 Cincinnati 28-23), No. 22 Clemson (4-2, lost to then-No. 14 Virginia Tech 41-23), No. 23 Nebraska (4-2, lost to then-No. 17 Missouri 41-6), No. 25 UCLA (4-2, lost to Notre Dame 20-6).
thers receiving votes
Others receiving votes: Virginia (5-1) 67; Tennessee (3-2) 60; Texas A&M (5-1) 52; Rutgers (3-2) 44; Texas Tech (5-1) 44; Boise State (3-1) 37; Connecticut (5-0) 36; Indiana (5-1) 30; Penn State (4-2) 27; Michigan (4-2) 22; Maryland (4-2) 20; Wyoming (4-1) 18; Clemson (4-2) 16; Colorado (4-2) 15; Wake Forest (3-2) 12; Nebraska (4-2) 10; Alabama (4-2) 6; Brigham Young (3-2) 6; Mississippi State (4-2) 6; Kansas State (3-2) 5; Stanford (2-3) 4; Michigan State (4-2) 3; UCLA (4-2) 2.
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More voting idiocy. Illinois has only a loss to an undefeated Missouri team, just beat Wiscy, and Wiscy is ranked ahead of Illinois.

USC has a close home loss to Stanford, Oregon has a close home loss to #2 Cal. USC's impressive game was against Nebraska (but no moreso than Oregon's win at TSUN - Mo. hammered by Nebraska yesterday), and USC stays ahead of Oregon (in the one poll). At least that one will get settled at Autzen.

Kansas and Cincy also deserve to be ranked ahead of Wiscy, at least for now.
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Something I don't understand. Given that Charlie has turned it around etc, why isn't Notre Dame ranked in the Top 10? Just wondering?:pirate1:

I guess offensive genius is always unrecognized in one's own country. :lol:
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Steve19;952299; said:
Something I don't understand. Given that Charlie has turned it around etc, why isn't Notre Dame ranked in the Top 10? Just wondering?:pirate1:

I guess offensive genius is always unrecognized in one's own country. :lol:

Isn't it obvious? The voters were too busy sitting at home eating cheeseburgers to notice.
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