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2007 Preseason and Regular season Polls

I don't actually see anything wrong with either of those votes. Oregon is a pretty good football team beaten by another pretty good football team in California. Michigan, even though they are an embarrassment to the Big10 this season, is still a pretty good football team when they show up. I'd venture to say that once again the Big10 and BCS berth from the conference only works itself out after "The Game."
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Ohio State moves to fourth place after wacky weekend

By Staff and Wire Reports

Monday, October 01, 2007
Ohio State was so concerned about not getting caught off guard against overmatched Minnesota that coach Jim Tressel called out running back Chris Wells after Saturday's game for a losing a fumble at his own 7-yard line with about six minutes left. Never mind that the Buckeyes led by 23 points at the time.
"We have a habit, I guess, of making things difficult around here," Tressel said.

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A college landscape turned upside down

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Monday, October 01, 2007
Thoughts and observations on the weekend's college football results, as I wonder what in the world the New York Mets had for breakfast on Sunday:
? I was sitting with a big-time West Virginia fan on Friday night as the Mountaineers lost to South Florida 21-13. But, there's good news for him and others like him: The Big East likely will be won by a team with a loss. True, favorites like West Virginia and Louisville are the bottom right now, but Connecticut, South Florida, Syracuse and Cincinnati won't get through conference play undefeated. Maybe Rutgers, but the Mountaineers still have a great shot to get a BCS bowl.

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Morning Journal

Buckeyes still standing strong
JASON LLOYD, Morning Journal Writer

MINNEAPOLIS -- After sorting through the ashes from one of the most volatile days in college football history, one fact remains clear for the Buckeyes -- their fate, at least in the Big Ten, rests squarely in their own hands.

After four of the top seven teams in the country and five in the Top 10 lost this week, the Buckeyes cruised up to No. 4 in both major polls today, behind LSU, Southern California, and California. Of those three, only Cal's win on the road at Oregon was impressive. The Trojans needed to recover an onside kick late to barely squeak by Washington, which Ohio State has already smashed, and the Tigers let Tulane stick around for a half on Saturday. LSU leaped the Trojans and into the No. 1 spot in the Associated Press poll, but USC remained first in the coaches poll.

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Ohio state football
Buckeyes move up to No. 4 in polls
Ohio State hurdles Minnesota with workmanlike effort
Monday, October 1, 2007 3:27 AM
By Ken Gordon

The Columbus Dispatch

By the end of the Minnesota game Saturday night, Ohio State had checked everything off of its to-do list, and that's one reason why the Buckeyes checked in at No. 4 in the nation yesterday.

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Rob Oller commentary: It doesn't seem possible that Buckeyes could be ranked fourth

Monday, October 1, 2007 3:23 AM
By Rob Oller

Lisa Marie Miller | Dispatch
Ohio State coach Jim Tressel and his No. 4-ranked Buckeyes can count on having to face a stiff challenge this season.

Climbing the college football rankings is like navigating interstate traffic. Early in the commute the congestion is smothering, but keep making progress and suddenly you're in the clear as cars empty onto the exits. That's pretty much the only way I can explain Ohio State's rise to No. 4 in the polls. I mean, come on, No. 4? If the Buckeyes are the fourth-best team in the nation, then cavemen have their own TV show.

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a ranked 1A team lost to a 1AA team
a #8 ranked tOSU beat a crappy minnesota team and moved up to #4
the domers are 0-5
it took 4 weeks for the offensive god that is fat weiss to score a td
UK is ranked in the top ten
south florida is ranked in the top ten (you know, the other other other other florida team)

THE END IS NEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

if ever there was a bcs buster year this could be it. look at your major undefeateds:

1. USC - play cal and asu. they have looked suspect at times and could easily loose 1 of these 2.
2. LSU - i really don't see them winning out. if they don't loose to florida, someone else will knock them off.
3. CAL - same as usc. there is a good chance they loose to usc or asu.
4. tOSU - good, but very young team. good chance we drop one of our last 3. the end of the season will be murder. injuries or simply the big ten grind could cause us to drop one.

so... in such a scenario, who would still be alive to play for the nc? as chaotic as the #5 and down spot is now... who stumbles their way to #1 and #2? could south florida find themselves playing bc for the nc?

if more than 2 of the top 4 drop a game (much better odds than most years) the polls are going to become absolute carnage lol!
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OregonBuckeye;947829; said:
Herbie was just on sportscenter giving his top 5. Basically, every team earned their ranking except Ohio St. which is there by default. What a douche.
He's just keeping OSU down so he can play the no respect card when he explains his reason for picking OSU as double-digit dogs to win their bowl game. :tongue2:
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