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2007 Preseason and Regular season Polls

I'm calling UF to win next week at LSU and Cal to beat USC and win out to put Cal and Ohio State playing for the national championship. OSU absolutely controls their own destiny at this point.

I can't see Les Miles winning a game of this magnitude. He just doesn't have it in him.:biggrin:
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Actually, if LSU loses to Florida (or anybody else, for that matter), we control our own destiny. Remember the preseason? Plenty of people were worried about our starting position in the polls, and whether or not we'd get hosed out of a NC game if we ran the table. Well, only 5 weeks into the season, and we're already nearly clear of the haze.

The "secret" to college football is win all of your games. I know, not really much of a secret, but no matter what the preseason polls say, an undefeated season would get any Buckeye team into the NC game.

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Yertle;946123; said:
Actually, if LSU loses to Florida (or anybody else, for that matter), we control our own destiny. Remember the preseason? Plenty of people were worried about our starting position in the polls, and whether or not we'd get hosed out of a NC game if we ran the table. Well, only 5 weeks into the season, and we're already nearly clear of the haze.

The "secret" to college football is win all of your games. I know, not really much of a secret, but no matter what the preseason polls say, an undefeated season would get any Buckeye team into the NC game.

Not necessarily, but good point.
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methomps;946110; said:
Ok, so what is the benefit of waiting four weeks to release the poll? Looks pretty similar to the other ones.

There was a fair amount of mindless commentary yesterday and today about "they shouldn't take any polls until after the first month of the season" WAAAAAAAH!!


There's no problem having preseason polls, as long as voters make their selections based on what has happened on the field once the season starts. Who gives a shit if Michigan and Louisville were in the preseason top 10, as long as they're (un)ranked appropriately after stinking up the joint? The problem, as I see it, is when voters in the middle of the season still treat polls as a season-end projection, rather than a ranking of teams based on what they've accomplished season-to-date. Poll rankings should be based on merit, not expectations.

Having South Florida 6th or so in some polls is great - virtually nobody saw it coming, but they've earned it (that win at Auburn looks even better today). Will they stay in the top 10? Probably not, but that shouldn't be the determining factor on where to rank them. They deserve their current ranking because they're undefeated, they beat a decent team on the road (Auburn) and beat a ranked (if somewhat flawed) team on Friday night (although it was Saturday somewhere).

I also dislike the other method some voteers use, the "eye-test handicapper" method. By that I mean the comparison of two teams in a mythical head-to-head matchup. Take Florida and USF - some would say that Florida would win on a neutral field so they should be ranked higher. I say BS to that - USF is undefeated, they won at Auburn, and Auburn won at Florida, so USF deserves to be ranked ahead of Florida. Note that my example isn't meant to be used after South Florida gets a loss - then I believe the entire body of work for each team has to be compared.

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BB73;946129; said:

I also dislike the other method some voteers use, the "eye-test handicapper" method. By that I mean the comparison of two teams in a mythical head-to-head matchup. Take Florida and SFU - some would say that Florida would win on a neutral field so they should be ranked higher. I say BS to that - SFU is undefeated, they won at Auburn, and Auburn won at Florida, so SFU deserves to be ranked ahead of Florida. Note that my example isn't meant to be used after South Florida gets a loss - then I believe the entire body of work for each team has to be compared.


The problem that I see is if USF loses one or two games as the season progresses they will drop like a rock and the schools that they have beaten (WVU and Auburn) will not. The excuse that the pollsters will use it is that teams get better as the season progresses so losses to certain particular teams at the "beginning" of the season does not hurt them as much as losses after the midpoint of the season. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't think polls should even come out at this time of the season. Why don't you just wait until the last two weeks of the season and then the pollsters can look back at all the games and do a "fair" comparison.
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