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2007 Preseason and Regular season Polls

NFBuck;945987; said:
That poll is absolutely fucking absurd. South Carolina #4, Oregon #6...are you fucking kidding me? Oregon #6? Really? Does this dipshit even take this seriously? It's nitwits like this that make the polls a joke. I'd love to see his preseason rankings.

He's gotta be getting serviced by South Carolina's cheerleaders
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jlb1705;945977; said:
Let him keep going as far as I'm concerned. The AP Poll is not part of the BCS formula any more, so his vote means as much as yours or mine.
Whether it is part of the BCS formula isn't the point though is it? There is the BCS Championship and then there is also the AP National Champion. So, his vote actually does count a great deal more than yours and mine.
NFBuck;945987; said:
That poll is absolutely fucking absurd. South Carolina #4, Oregon #6...are you fucking kidding me? Oregon #6? Really? Does this dipshit even take this seriously? It's nitwits like this that make the polls a joke.
Having South Carolina at #4 is the most glaring of the stupid rankings Wilner produces. And really your ending gets to the real point. If you are a voter you should be voting on the basis of where the teams rank this week, not because of convoluted and frankly irrational reasoning.
I am forced to conclude that Wilner does this for some kind of self-promotional effect. (I saw that someone linked back to my BuckeyePlanet post on Wilner's blog. I almost wish that hadn't been done, kind of on a don't feed the bear basis). If one of your goals is to get folks trecking by your blog to talk up how good or bad your votes are, then you have an agenda other than simply ranking the teams, and ranking them fairly. At the end of the day that latter imperative is the only reason why anyone in the media should be voting.
NFBuck;945987; said:
I'd love to see his preseason rankings.
Given the poor quality of his opinions, and given the distortion I believe he applies to those opinions, I am almost tempted to ask, why?
But, Let others make up their mind. Here is his pre-season ranking.

Notably absent, the team he presently places at #7, which was then ranked #11 by saner and more rational, less prejudiced minds.

jlb probably has a good point in so far as we (and I) should keep this in perspective, after all, what difference could one vote make? Enough perhaps to tilt the number one spot at the end of the season. Moreover, if this were a poll being analyzed statistically, his irrational data would likely be censored from the set - and then he would be in queue for psychiatric evaluation.
Nobody else has Ohio State ranked lower than #5, with the most common flip being with Wisconsin - I disagree with that, but it isn't outright dumb. Only a couple of voters have South Carolina even cracking the top 10. The rest? # 10 through #16.
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Obviously with Cal and USC playing, one of the teams will drop out, but I think there is a good chance LSU loses this weekend to UF. After such a poor game I wouldn't be surprised if the Gators come back strong this weekend and pull off the upset.
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bigballin2987;946043; said:
Obviously with Cal and USC playing, one of the teams will drop out, but I think there is a good chance LSU loses this weekend to UF. After such a poor game I wouldn't be surprised if the Gators come back strong this weekend and pull off the upset.

Anythings possible but I will be shocked if UF can go in there and beat LSU at home at night.

I look more for them to rebound and get LSU in the rematch in Atlanta.
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I'd say that for bigballin's prediction to hold true Les Miles will have to produce one of his patented boneheaded coaching errors - normally these involve poor clock management, overuse of timeouts or the like. Honestly I can't think of a coach this side of Bob Davie who is worse at game management - so anything is possible.

(But, I believe LSU will simply throttle UF in Baton Rouge - too much Defense on their side).
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sandgk;946046; said:
I'd say that for bigballin's prediction to hold true Les Miles will have to produce one of his patented boneheaded coaching errors - normally these involve poor clock management, overuse of timeouts or the like. Honestly I can't think of a coach this side of Bob Davie who is worse at game management - so anything is possible.

(But, I believe LSU will simply throttle UF in Baton Rouge - too much Defense on their side).
I don't think that UF will win, I was just saying I wouldn't be shocked if UF still played them tough. But, I think it is safe to say that UF is not as great as many were saying. Urban is a great coach, and like you stated anything is possible with Les.
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LitlBuck;946056; said:
Don't understand how Wisconsin made such a big jump (#5) after a lame victory at home against the Spartans. I just don't think they are that good (#5 in the country).

It would be fairly hard to justify not putting then ahead of those who were ranked above them and lost, and Michigan State is a much better team than many think. I'm glad we play Mchigan State in The Shoe this year...
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