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2005 Pre-Season Chatter

KretchBuck said:
Are you serious? Even if it was one game, that is all I needed to see. That is better than the 6 games Zwick showed me he can not handle the job.
is that what you were saying after troy smith's 2nd redzone turnover against purdue? he is not light year's beyond zwick by any means.

notice i never said he shouldnt be the starter, only that he isnt the clear and away #1 you make him out to be. and to be accurate, you would need to compare him to alamo bowl performance zwick, in which smith is clearly not head and shoulders above him.
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tsteele316 said:

what do these 4 teams have in common? all 4 had mobile qb's and all 4 had success against michigan's D.
I checked the stats for the NW game and their QB only had 11 yards rushing on 3 attempts. In other words, the "running QB" factor in that game was a non-factor. A bigger factor might have been the 156 rushing yards they gave up to non-QB Noah Herron. Not only that, but you left out Iowa, whose QB Drew Tate has been known to scramble a bit (to our eternal dismay). scUM's defense sacked him for 49 net yards in losses. How is it that they controlled Drew Tate so well but couldn't control Troy Smith? I think the "running QB" factor is just an excuse for scUM fans that allows them to explain how we kicked their tails without having to admit that their CB's got burned by our receivers for the second year in a row. They act like the running QB is like a silver bullet that kills their werewolf-like defense. The truth is that their defense was overrated (especially Marlin "barfight" Jackson, who can tell you the exact dimensions of the back of Santonio Holmes' jersey from memory) and they were shredded by lots of different kinds of offenses.

By the way Mili, thanks for setting me straight on the schedule.
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KretchBuck said:
...The point I was trying to make is that Zwick is done, there is no reason to continue to discuss him a sa viable option. I do not care what statistics ANYONE can give me, or what excuses for Zwick I hear,offense line, no Ginn, blah, blah, blah....Smith is so far ahead of him as a football player that I wanted to give my 2 cents and no longer discuss it.

WretchedBuck, it's folks like you who really make me shake my head. As tsteele316 said, if Smith were really that shit-hot, he would've been the starter from day one, but he wasn't. Zwick, along with Smith, was essentially a freshman who he took his first snap against Cincinnati...I don't care that he (and Smith) had two years to "learn the system", 98% of his (and Smith's) time during those two years was holding a clipboard. Zwick started our pretty decently, but worsened from Northwestern on. When Smith took over (discounting the last-ditch Iowa TD drive, where the game was totally decided and Iowa had their local pee-wee team playing defense), it took him awhile to get going. Granted, he had that great game against Michigan, but so did every other mobile QB they faced, so although the game outcome was extremely pleasing to we Buckeye fans, it wasn't all that much of a shock to those who followed Michigan's team last year. By the way, I noticed that you've decided not to stand by your statement that you wanted to "no longer discuss it." :roll1:
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martinss01 said:
see, right there is problem #1. forgive me but id like the explaination of "tresselball" to come from oh... i don't know... jim tressel? second problem. i see nothing explaining the ins and outs of tresselball. in fact, i see very little in this story that has anything to do with football strategy. there isn't even a single formation or play drawn up. there are a few scattered quotes from various people and a whole lot of opinion from a 3rd party...

First after doing a google search on Tressel ball coming up with 20,000 websites ....this link probably gives the most precise definition of Tressel ball. Unfortunately not from Tressel.

"In the NC State game, the team was playing Tressel ball at its finest -- controlling field position, tough defense, no big mistakes on offense -- but little offensive production. Upcoming games: idle, at Northwestern, then Wisconsin at home."

2nd you want quotes from Tressel?

"Well, we needed to be the ones that had the 2-0 turnover margin," Tressel said after the game. "It's going to be tough to beat a good team like Wisconsin losing the turnover margin. We also needed to do a much better job of keeping the ball and keeping our defense off the field, especially in the second half."

"When you're in a slugging match against a good team establishing the field position of a championship bout is important. I thought we did a fairly decent job of that."

The difference in the football game, quite obviously, was the special units plays that our guys made," OSU coach Jim Tressel said.

"I think the main thing (is) the limitation of mistakes," he said. "If we just limit mistakes, things are going to happen - things are going to open up for this offense."

see, this quote right here and the one after are the exact reasons why we are having these discussions in the first place. i know mili has said it numerous times as have i. WE ARE NOT ZWICK FAN BOYS!! i have 0 problems with smith starting. i think he has a shitload of talent and will do well. the problem i have is that many here are grading these 2 qb's so wildly different it is beyond anything resembling logic. if smith throws a pick it wasn't smith's fault. the line didn't block, or the receiver dropped the pass, or whatever arbitrary excuse required for it to not be smith's fault.

>>> ...You're kidding with the Smith example. I've seen so many excuses for Zwick we could have seperate forum devoted to it OL, RB, WR, coaches, playcalling everyone else except him. We even have excuses for Smith's successes i.e he's only a mobile qb bs. Thats how bad its been.
Do we give Smith too much praise? Anything different than Krenzel who beat Michigan when Bellisari was suspended? NO. I think the praise is deserved. Smith has a slight edge. Not only because of the Michigan game but all the games since Iowa. I really don't understand it. How you can grade them equal.

if zwick throws a pick people start demanding explainations as to why his mother didn't have an abortion. if zwick has anything resembling a good game, well all the sudden football becomes a team sport for you smith people. it wasn't zwick, it was the rest of the team carrying him. however, if smith has a good game... he did it all on his own! noone else even showed up and a shrine should be built in his honor asap!!

>>>You sound like a closet Zwick fan. This is so far from the truth its sounds like pure lunacy. In tressel ball every pic/int is frowned upon. It was frowned upon when Belli did it, it was frowned upon when CK did it, it will be frowned upon if JZ does it. Nobody is reinventing the wheel here or stating anything out of the ordinary. Everything is consistent. OK state was Zwick's best game. Why? few turnovers and his ability to move the ball. How many times must someone compliment OK st game before someone acknowledges that we did it.Maybe we should talk about that JZ block for the 1 millionth time.
Does that ERASE everything Smith did and make them EQUAL? NO.

Consistencies-> Smith few to no turnovers in the games he played. 3 INTs vs. Purdue bad game. I've admitted to it. Who gets the slight edge in games played Smith.

savior??????????????? wtf thinks jz or ts is a savior? if anyone does their understanding of football is greatly lacking. no one player on a TEAM can make a TEAM.

ts and jz account for ONE MAN on an 11 man offensive roster. of which, that offensive roster only accounts of a maximum of 1/3 of the TEAM!

team: 1 : a number of persons associated together in work or activity

savior: 1 : one that saves from danger or destruction
2 : one who brings salvation

>>>Maybe its based on 1 the high notoriety comming out of HS, 2. all the excuses given for him to date. 3. The wish of some people simply because of the suspension to crown up starte for 2005 season even before spring practice. 4. This somewhat unabashed love affair with him when he hasn't shown anything to resemble it in the games he's played. Thats just me.

do i have an opinion as to who i think should start? absolutely! but my opinion revolves more around the situation at hand with troy's suspension. not because i think one guy is gods gift to all things buckeye. jz is not pond scum and ts is not the finger of god. both these guys have a lot of talent. unfortunately (imo) both of these guys have a LOOOOOOONG way to go before im convinced either is "the man".
>>>NCAA has handed out 1 game punishment. He's not kicked off team. he's still participating in practice. AJ HAWK posts quoting Tressel shows that the person who starts Texas game not refected on the suspension but who does well in practice. IMHO we already know who will be the guy....others just have hope.
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JT's quote in the paper today (pleasantly) surprised me. It sure indicates that the starting job is Smith's as long as he performs well in practices until then. My opinion had been that he would be in the dog house and the job would, like last season, be Zwick's to lose.

I hope we have a package prepared for each of them to run vs TX, and that they both play. Also hope we don't have to show anything against Miami. Heck, maybe Boeckman even gets some snaps against Miami.

What are we gonna talk about if Boeckman blows everybody away in Spring practice?
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If TB takes over, which I'd love a lot more than Zwick (as Boeckman's been taking reps in practice for two years now... and I'd rather see what he can do against a Miami personally)...

Then I think we start talking about how we can utilize Smith to fill the depth at RB :) Too bad we don't have a fourth QB who is capable of at least being a 3rd stringer, cuz I'd love to see Smith be an option at TB as I think he's bigger than any of our athletic running options right now.

Or maybe we'll end up with a great walkon who can provide some big back carries for us (I know we have 3 FBs, I'm just approaching it assuming we need their carries, our two RBs, and another couple of good walkons as safety nets... think Iowa).
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NightmaresDad said:
JT's quote in the paper today (pleasantly) surprised me. It sure indicates that the starting job is Smith's as long as he performs well in practices until then. My opinion had been that he would be in the dog house and the job would, like last season, be Zwick's to lose.

I hope we have a package prepared for each of them to run vs TX, and that they both play. Also hope we don't have to show anything against Miami. Heck, maybe Boeckman even gets some snaps against Miami.

What are we gonna talk about if Boeckman blows everybody away in Spring practice?
dont go by any JT quotes given to a reporter for a newspaper to figure out whos in first place in the QB battle. hes not going to give it out like that.
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
If TB takes over, which I'd love a lot more than Zwick (as Boeckman's been taking reps in practice for two years now... and I'd rather see what he can do against a Miami personally)...

Uh, Boeckman is still a RS freshman...he hasn't been on the team a full year yet.
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Well I got a hell of an Idea why don't one of us get Zwick and one of us get Smith and we can secretly get them to go to the same place where we can arrange a fight..... then he winner is QB.

Honestly I don't think Anyone should GIVE up on Zwick. If you have I don't think you're truely a buckeye fan? what would you say if Zwick turns it around and passes for 400 yard with 5 tds and 0 Ints the first game. I also think Smith is the better QB, but right now it don't really matter cuz smith is 2nd and Zwick is 1st. So right now I say we support Zwick, and well if he screws up then he screws up but atleast we were behind our starting QB.

Both are great players but I dunno if Zwick has done much to deserve the " I can't even Hold Troy Smith's Jock" title.
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buckzip said:
Damn this arguement is old.

You are so right, but I can't help but smile about this. We could have bigger problems than arguing over which of our very competant QB's will start. It's a good time to be a Buckeye....

MililaniBuckeye said:
Uh, Boeckman is still a RS freshman...he hasn't been on the team a full year yet.
If I remember right, they delayed his enrollment then gray shirted him follwed by a red shirt. I think he has been working in the system for 2 years.
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I think most of us Smith-lovers would be very happy to see Zwick do well. If he can improve on his Alamo Bowl performance, I'd be happy and would think TS screwed up but fortunately the buckeyes will be fine and would then have the best backup in the land.
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bukIpower said:
Well I got a hell of an Idea why don't one of us get Zwick and one of us get Smith and we can secretly get them to go to the same place where we can arrange a fight..... then he winner is QB.
*snickers* only if someone from the ncaa ties smith's hands for the first round j/k :tongue2:

im with you bucknut319, if your ever to have a controversy. this is the one to have!
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I finally have another angle on the Smith vs Zwick discussions. When you rearrange the Letters in their names you get:
Ms Thick Wiz

That can mean only one thing - either our next quarterback will be effeminate with a panache for unclean women or I have read to many of these threads. Wait, that's two things...

Seriously I would like to see or tight ends have a break out year. A lot of good things have to be happening for the TE's to be seen. The O-line need to hold up without their help. The running game needs to be respected so that the linebackers bite on the play action. The QB needs to make decent reads and be trusted to throw over the middle. I think we do all these things. I also think the WR's we have will draw a lot of the defensive attention and leave the TE's available. I think Hamby is solid but not spectacular. Nicol has some experience and potential and a healthy Frost would create all kinds of mismatches. If Hall comes over there will definitely be a mismatch.

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