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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

Not sure how that's possible since he doesn't visit there till this weekend.

I'm neutral on Stanford. If we get him great, he has a lot of talent and will get a whole lot better focusing on football and S&C year round. If not then not a big deal.
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matcar;2037641; said:
Man, those facilities must be beyond awesome for it to be a game changer before he even gets there!!! :biggrin:

Apparently Phil Knight donated a whole bunch of cash to Oregon so they could recreate their facilities in recruits home towns so they know exactly what to expect when they get there for their official.
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It seems the recruiting services view him mainly as possession target who won't stretch the field much, but I honestly don't mind. He's big with good hands so he'll also be a good red zone target. And a big, consistent possession target would be very beneficial to Braxton. Right now, we struggle to get first downs let alone touchdowns.
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Cincinnati Taft standouts Adolphus Washington and Dwayne Stanford are expected to announced their college choices on Tuesday, and confidence is high around the Woody Hayes Athletic Center that both are going to pick Ohio State.

Nothing is certain, however. Washington, a defensive end who is possibly the best uncommitted senior left in Ohio, took an official visit to the University of Cincinnati last weekend. Before that, he reportedly had narrowed his choices to Alabama, Michigan and Ohio State. Meanwhile, Stanford, a receiver, is visiting Oregon this weekend for the Oregon-USC game.

Stanford was in Ohio Stadium for the Buckeyes? last-minute win over Wisconsin, and he said that ? walking away from Ohio Stadium that night, that was something crazy.? Ohio State fans probably should hope for a boring game and a miserable night in Eugene, Ore., on Saturday.

Several recruiting analysts have predicted that Stanford and Washington will both choose Ohio State, which would be a major plus for the program. The Buckeyes have 14 commitments to their 2012 recruiting class.

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Jdadams01;2037698; said:
It seems the recruiting services view him mainly as possession target who won't stretch the field much, but I honestly don't mind. He's big with good hands so he'll also be a good red zone target. And a big, consistent possession target would be very beneficial to Braxton. Right now, we struggle to get first downs let alone touchdowns.

Uh, isn't that what TY Williams is?
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Jdadams01;2041548; said:
Except TY isn't consistent.

And how do we know that Stanford will be? They have almost identical senior year numbers and are very similar in size. Both had under 40 catches their senior years, not exactly giving us a lot of numbers to work with
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pnuts34;2041830; said:
And how do we know that Stanford will be? They have almost identical senior year numbers and are very similar in size. Both had under 40 catches their senior years, not exactly giving us a lot of numbers to work with

The difference is from DS showing through film and camps that he has better hands. Makes catches in traffic unlike TY did in high school. Most of TY's catches were bombs down the sideline where the db's covering him couldn't make up for the size difference. Also, TY was never a possession receiver in high school; go watch his film. TY did not look as natural at receiver as DS does. Now, in no way am I stating that I think DS will be a guaranteed stud or anything, just that he shouldn't be compared to TY right off the bat because they are both tall and don't have burner speed.
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Jdadams01;2041833; said:
The difference is from DS showing through film and camps that he has better hands. Makes catches in traffic unlike TY did in high school. Most of TY's catches were bombs down the sideline where the db's covering him couldn't make up for the size difference. Also, TY was never a possession receiver in high school; go watch his film. TY did not look as natural at receiver as DS does. Now, in no way am I stating that I think DS will be a guaranteed stud or anything, just that he shouldn't be compared to TY right off the bat because they are both tall and don't have burner speed.

Gotcha. That makes sense, and after looking at both their films, I see what u mean. Do u think Michael Thomas compares to Stanford than?
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pnuts34;2042027; said:
Gotcha. That makes sense, and after looking at both their films, I see what u mean. Do u think Michael Thomas compares to Stanford than?

I think Thomas is better, but that's just my opinion. Thomas has better athleticism (he's very fluid) and ability to go deep or make plays after the catch. He also has the wr heritage in his family. He also has a stronger frame which will serve him well getting off of jams and competed for jump balls. On top of that, he'll be enrolling in January so he'll have a leg up. Think of DS as a long, sure handed possesion receiver and MT as a possible (really have to emphasize the possible) bigger, stronger, but probably the same speed, version of Posey.
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