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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

Thomas doesn't have Posey speed. His speed is very average but he's big and strong and should be a good possession wideout.

Think Stanford will need a RS year but a very good athlete, not a burner but seems to be able to adjust his body extremely well to make catches. When he gets stronger he could be very good.
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buckeyegunners;2042078; said:
Thomas doesn't have Posey speed. His speed is very average but he's big and strong and should be a good possession wideout.

Think Stanford will need a RS year but a very good athlete, not a burner but seems to be able to adjust his body extremely well to make catches. When he gets stronger he could be very good.

I always thought Posey had decent speed at best. Never really seen him flat outrun people.
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marky;2042317; said:
Idk, I hope you're right. Stanford said they have "shocking" news for all that want to hear..
You haven't been following recruiting very long have you. This wouldn't be the first time we've seen a recruit say they are going to shock everybody and then commit to the place we all thought they were going.
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buckeyeinfla;2042501; said:
trying to drum up interest b/c most everyone knows osu is in the driver's seat..esp with washington

Remember when Doran Grant said his decision is going to "shock everyone". Im not worried at all, him and Adolphus wanna play together and OSU is the only school thats in their top 3 besides Cincy, and they arent going there.
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k2onprimetime;2042599; said:
Remember when Doran Grant said his decision is going to "shock everyone". Im not worried at all, him and Adolphus wanna play together and OSU is the only school thats in their top 3 besides Cincy, and they arent going there.

Agreed. They'd be better off playing in the MWC than the Big East.
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I'm friends with him on Facebook.. We aren't really supposed to talk about social networks, so I didn't want to link it.

I really hope you're all right..obviously want Washington more than Stanford, but if we get both then it's a bonus.
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