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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)


Taft senior DE Adolphus Washington and Taft senior WR Dwayne Stanford won't announce Nov. 9, says Taft coach Mike Martin

Both Taft players will decide after Dwayne Stanford's visit to Oregon Nov. 19, according to Taft coach Mike Martin

Taft senior DE Adolphus Washington and Taft senior WR Dwayne Stanford will take official visits to Ohio State Saturday, Mike Martin said
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Cincinnati duo could lift Ohio State's 2012 class
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch Friday November 4, 2011


Prospects Adolphus Washington, left, and Dwayne Stanford of Cincinnati Taft
Jeff Swinger | Cincinnati Enquirer

Several days after witnessing Ohio State?s thrilling, last-minute win over Wisconsin, Dwayne Stanford was still fired up by the experience.

?Walking away from Ohio Stadium that night, that was something crazy,? Stanford said.

That?s good news for Ohio State on the recruiting front. Stanford, a wide receiver from Cincinnati Taft, is one of the five or six remaining must-get prospects for the Buckeyes, along with his celebrated Taft teammate, Adolphus Washington, one of the premier defensive line prospects in the country.

They originally had set this coming Wednesday as the date for their their joint commitment announcement, but they?ve postponed it probably until late in the month. Stanford wants to make a visit to Oregon on Nov.19, when the Ducks hosts Southern California, before making up his mind.

?I owe it to myself to see what?s out there,? Stanford said.

He knows he will be walking into another great home-field setting in college football, Autzen Stadium.

?I?m looking forward to that,? Stanford said.

By the time he returns to home to Cincinnati, he?ll be able to say whether the Oregon experience matched up with last Saturday night in Ohio Stadium. And what a standard for comparison, he said, recalling the frenzied final moments when Devin Smith pulled in a 40-yard touchdown pass from a scrambling Braxton Miller for the winning score.

?Once Devin caught it, it just sent chills through my body,? Stanford said.


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