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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

Scout $ - Stanford Still Open


Video by Simone Scott.....Top 5 of Ohio State, LSU, Alabama, USC & Arizona State. Would like to commit by the end of October after his officials & still plans on attending the same school as Washington.
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BN $ - Stanford stays old school


By BK...top four of Alabama, LSU, Michigan and Ohio State...talks about why he would encourage younger athletes to play multiple sports...talks about when he knew football was his future...talks about his target visit dates for LSU and Alabama...talks about his relationship with Coach Drayton and his mom talks about why she likes OSU.
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ant80;2012069; said:
Considering they aren't waiting until the NCAA announce their sanctions, I'm not holding my breath. :(
the only positive I can think on this one. Stanford knows OSU need's WR'S that can catch the ball badly and OSU has been Washingtons favorite from day 1. Don't think I could name all the negatives :(
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ant80;2012069; said:
Considering they aren't waiting until the NCAA announce their sanctions, I'm not holding my breath. :(

I definitely see this as a positive, as in, "I don't care what the NCAA decides, I'm going to be a Buckeye." Think about it...if they were going to let the NCAA sanction dictate where they're going, they'd wait until after the sanctions were levied. But, since they aren't concerned, it points to them picking the good guys.
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Applies to Washington as well...
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MililaniBuckeye;2014793; said:
I definitely see this as a positive, as in, "I don't care what the NCAA decides, I'm going to be a Buckeye." Think about it...if they were going to let the NCAA sanction dictate where they're going, they'd wait until after the sanctions were levied. But, since they aren't concerned, it points to them picking the good guys.

Or playing devil's advocate....I am not going to OSU so why wait? Wouldn't you want to wait for:
1) Announcement of any NCAA sanctions and,
2) Who the coach is going to be going forward.

Some kids are just love the Buckeyes and it will not matter what the sanctions are and who is the coach. Let's hope that these gentlemen are those type of recruits.....:)
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