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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

Taft senior standouts Adolphus Washington and Dwayne Stanford told the Enquirer this week that they have selected schools for two of their five official visits. The pair spoke in an interview for a story that will be part of our annual high school football preview.

Washington, a TE/DE who is being recruited on the defensive side of the ball, said he will take official visits to Alabama and Miami (Fla.) as part of his decision-making process. Washington is ranked No. 96 on the ESPNU 150 list. He said he has already taken unofficial visits to UC and Ohio State.

Stanford is one of the nation?s top prospects at WR. He is ranked No. 111 on the ESPNU 150 list and said he will also be taking an official visit to Miami (Fla.) as well as to LSU.

Both players said they will wait until the football season is complete before announcing their decisions. Taft, which made the playoffs last season in Division IV for the first time in school history, opens this season on Aug. 28 at Colerain against Friendship Collegiate Academy of Washington, D.C., as part of the Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown. The game will be broadcast on ESPNU. Friendship Academy features DT Eddie Goldman, who is ranked No. 2 on the ESPNU list.

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Scout $ - Gridiron Kings: Stanford Names Top Five


The usual drivel from Sam Webb...says he and Adolphus could go to different schools...won't be at the BBQ because of AAU nationals...top five of Michigan, Miami (Florida), LSU, Alabama and OSU.

Despite the leading questions, he continues to sound like a kid that, if everything turns out okay, plans to sign with OSU...but still a long way to go...
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wadc45;1958518; said:
Despite the leading questions, he continues to sound like a kid that, if everything turns out okay, plans to sign with OSU...but still a long way to go...

A long way to go obviously, but if Washington signs with the Buckeyes, that would be an amazing exclamation point to an already solid recruiting class.
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Stanford and Washington would be a great combo to boost this class.....and just maybe I wouldnt have to hear so much from ttun about how great their recruiting class is.

Give me a couple nice OT prospects and I will call this class great considering the circumstances. Go Bucks
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I think if we really want him we can easily ease his concerns about sanctions.

Question is if he really has an offer and is wanted. Once the dead period is over maybe it will answer some questions.

We certainly want Adolphus who is 1 bad dude. I like Epi more than Stanford and maybe a couple others at this point but would certainly take him if it meant Adolphus came.

Not sure how much of a package deal they are and Adolphus is the prize.
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They seem to both be Buckeyes at heart. I think that they are just waiting to make sure that the NCCA doesn't have a brain fart and impose ridiculous penalties. Once the ruling is made I suspect that the good guys will be at the top of the list for both of these guys.

I love Stanfords size and I like to think about him and Ty Williams lining up together.

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Oh My. This kis is a star!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6-fpSrare8&feature=related"]Dwayne Stanford II Cincinnati Taft J.R. Highlights - YouTube[/ame]

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