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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

osugrad21;1951172; said:
Scout$--The Opening: Stanford Clears the Air

From GBW...

Dwayne says he is down to 8 or 9 schools with Michigan and tOSU included. He and Adolphus Washington are still trying to go to the same school.

Reporter asked Dwayne what he thinks about the rumors that tOSU would not accept his verbal if offered...he replied that isn't true and he doesn't buy into rumors.

Of course GBW would ask that.
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When was that ever a rumor?

Michigan better enjoy this recruiting momentum this summer while it lasts because once the season starts, that negativity isn't going to work anymore. And once the sanctions come down, they'll like like lowdown dirty liars.
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From Smith at TheRinger:

$$$ VIDEO Scout.com: The Opening: Stanford Clears the Air

Narrowed his list to Mich, OSU, LSU, Miami, Cincy, Tenn, UNC, FSU & 'Bama (said in that order)... He & Washington are visiting Mich & 'Bama soon plus they still plan to pick the same school... Coach Drayton told him personally he has an OSU offer... He's tired of the recruiting process & plans to decide as early as mid-October...
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