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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

Wingate1217;2014875; said:
Or playing devil's advocate....I am not going to OSU so why wait?

If they had visted anywhere else so far, then you'd have a point. But, as far as I know they've only visited OSU and now they've set an announcement date. Why would do they do that if they're going to announce for a school they haven't even seen yet?

EDIT: Visted MSU earlier...still, I think they've already made up their minds.
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MililaniBuckeye;2014962; said:
If they had visted anywhere else so far, then you'd have a point. But, as far as I know they've only visited OSU and now they've set an announcement date. Why would do they do that if they're going to announce for a school they haven't even seen yet?

EDIT: Visted MSU earlier...still, I think they've already made up their minds.

Grad mentioned the MSU visit in the Washington thread, quoted Washington as saying "OSU still his leader":)
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Stanford has a lot of potential, but I seriously doubt he gets on the field as a freshman and plays meaningful minutes. He probably needs a RS year to add strength and learn the position. Everything he does right now is on pure athletic ability.
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westbuck04;2015175; said:
Stanford has a lot of potential, but I seriously doubt he gets on the field as a freshman and plays meaningful minutes. He probably needs a RS year to add strength and learn the position. Everything he does right now is on pure athletic ability.

Who knows. It's not like he's got a lot of cemented WRs to compete against. I'll take a WR that can get by on anything, even if it is athletic ability.
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westbuck04;2015175; said:
Stanford has a lot of potential, but I seriously doubt he gets on the field as a freshman and plays meaningful minutes. He probably needs a RS year to add strength and learn the position. Everything he does right now is on pure athletic ability.

How would you describe what Devin Smith and Evan Spencer have done this season? I'm pretty sure they haven't gotten onto the field as true freshman due to an overwhelming amount of experience.
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Buckeye86;2015288; said:
How would you describe what Devin Smith and Evan Spencer have done this season? I'm pretty sure they haven't gotten onto the field as true freshman due to an overwhelming amount of experience.

I would say both were much further along as wide receivers, especially Spencer, who's father is a coach.

Look, Stanford is super raw; he really is a basketball player playing football at this point. If you expect him to play as a freshman, you're probably going to be disappointed.
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westbuck04;2015302; said:
Look, Stanford is super raw; he really is a basketball player playing football at this point. If you expect him to play as a freshman, you're probably going to be disappointed.

I don't expect him to do anything, particularly for the Buckeyes because 1.) he hasn't verbally committed yet 2.) signing day is over 4 months away and 3.) the possibility of him playing a down of football for Ohio State is still almost 12 months away.

Raw or not, let's let him make a decision, sign on the dotted line, and get on campus before we worry about it one way or the other is all I'm saying.
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High School Sports Blog
Taft senior DE Adolphus Washington, Taft senior WR Dwayne Stanford considering final college choices
Oct 18, 2011 | Written by mdyer

Taft senior defensive end Adolphus Washington and Taft senior wide receiver Dwayne Stanford are considering three college programs each as their finalists, according to Taft football coach Mike Martin.

Stanford is considering UC, Ohio State and Oregon (no particular order), according to Martin.

Washington is considering Michigan State, Ohio State and Alabama (no particular order), according to Martin.

The players are scheduled to announce their college choices at 10 a.m. Nov. 9 at Taft. National signing day is Feb. 1.

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Stanford is considering UC, Ohio State and Oregon (no particular order), according to Martin.

Washington is considering Michigan State, Ohio State and Alabama (no particular order), according to Martin.

They both want to attend the same school. Gee, I wonder which school is the only common one mentioned...
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