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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

Kinda hard to expect a top WR to want to come to Ohio State right now. Kid's gonna want the ball.

Ohio State WRs have caught 51 passes this year combined. Philly Brown leads all Ohio State WRs with a measly 12 receptions.

Good luck young man. Hope you give the Buckeyes another look when the new staff comes aboard.
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jlb1705;2043308; said:
Kinda hard to expect a top WR to want to come to Ohio State right now. Kid's gonna want the ball.

Ohio State WRs have caught 51 passes this year combined. Philly Brown leads all Ohio State WRs with a measly 12 receptions.

Good luck young man. Hope you give the Buckeyes another look when the new staff comes aboard.

You've got to take the present value of the future cash flows! (Cash flows = Braxton's eventual throwing ability)
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jlb1705;2043308; said:
Kinda hard to expect a top WR to want to come to Ohio State right now. Kid's gonna want the ball.

Ohio State WRs have caught 51 passes this year combined. Philly Brown leads all Ohio State WRs with a measly 12 receptions.

Good luck young man. Hope you give the Buckeyes another look when the new staff comes aboard.

Philly could have at least 2 more good ones, IIRC... but I digress... we've got, what, 6? 7? active WR's in the NFL right now? It's a bad year for our passing offense, but its not emblematic of tOSU's recent history or future... IMHO... and it's not like Oregon's offense is known for its passing... I think Stanford just might have liked it there... that's ok.
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Best of luck kid.I'm not as concerned about getting him, as long as we got Washington. Now we just need to seize the o linemen were after. Stanford wasn't a neccesity, more of a luxury. He's gonna have fun in the Oregon offense
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Can't blame the guy one bit for not wanting to play in this putrid offense. I know things are more than likely going to change, and hopefully for the better (it couldn't get much worse?), and I'm sure he's aware of this as well but there's still a lot of uncertainty here. You know that the way this offense looked this year played a big part in his decision to go elsewhere.

Best of luck to him though. If he wants offense, he's going to get it now.
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