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'12 OH WR Dwayne Stanford (Oregon Verbal)

y0yoyoin;2043058; said:
I would think position of need for us is WR....after Posey is gone we are thin..DT/DE is pretty loaded imo

Disagree. Both are thin. I'm not sure there is on pure pass rusher on this team with Williams out (maybe you could argue Steve Miller). Adolphus could be that guy.

We are also thin in the WR department. Stanford would be a heckuva coup based on his raw athleticism alone. Hopefully we get both.

I'm very confident that Adolphus ends up in CBus. I have no honest idea where Stanford pledges tomorrow, but the best of luck to him, either way.
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wadc45;2043199; said:
Agreed. Chalk it up to the anomaly that is 2012. 2013 will be very different with in-state offers.

Best of luck to him if this is what he chooses... I guess I don't understand what is so appealing bout that offense to receivers... whatever.
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