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'12 AZ WR Davonte Neal (Notre Dame Signee; Transfer to Arizona)

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Scottsdale Chaparral senior receiver/cornerback/kick returner Davonte' Neal has crossed off UA from his list, despite the recent hire of Rich Rodriguez as head coach, his father, Luke Neal, said.

Neal said that his son is no longer interested in UA. Neal crossed off ASU before the season began. Luke Neal said that he believes recently fired UCLA coach Rick Neuheisel would be a good candidate for the ASU job because of his Arizona and West Coast ties.

Davonte' Neal will be taking trips this weekend to Notre Dame, and Jan.20 to Arkansas. He also will likely trip to Ohio State after a coach comes in later this week fo visit Neal.

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Chaparral?s Davonte? Neal: No interest in Arizona, Arizona State
by Richard Obert on Dec. 14, 2011, under Arizona Republic News

A couple of new University of Arizona football assistant coaches came by Scottsdale Chaparral on Tuesday, hoping to find senior receiver/cornerback Davonte? Neal. But Neal eluded the recruiters much like he did defenders during his All-Arizona season.

?I?m going out of state,? Neal said about his college future.

Luke Neal, Davonte?s father, said his son didn?t want to meet with the UA coaches, because he has no interest in the school.

He also said his son has zero interest in Arizona State, no matter which coach the school brings in.

Neal, 5-foot-10, 175 pounds, was a two-time Gatorade Arizona Player of the Year. This season, he was the only player in Arizona to have more than 1,000 yards both receiving and rushing. He also scored 35 touchdowns, helping leading Chaparral to a third consecutive Division II championship.

Neal said his recruiting trip to Notre Dame last weekend went well.

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GovBucks;2064785; said:
hopefully they are successful! We really need someone dynamic other than Braxton.

Jordan Hall can bridge that gap this coming season. I feel he was really misued this year after all the talk of getting him involved in the passing game throughout fall camp.
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I think if Philly brown got some more confidence along with Devin Smith and Spencer, that's a heck of a wr corp to go with hall. But I would enjoy getting Neal since not being able to get Jones now
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Is anybody concerned about his height? Considering we already have 4 WRs committed and scholarship availability is tight, it just seems odd to me that we're putting such a press on a 5'9" receiver, regardless of his speed. I mean, how many jokes A DAY were made when RR would go after this kind of receiver? Why is it different now?
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Joe6809;2064920; said:
Is anybody concerned about his height? Considering we already have 4 WRs committed and scholarship availability is tight, it just seems odd to me that we're putting such a press on a 5'9" receiver, regardless of his speed. I mean, how many jokes A DAY were made when RR would go after this kind of receiver? Why is it different now?

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