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'12 AZ WR Davonte Neal (Notre Dame Signee; Transfer to Arizona)

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Is anybody concerned about his height? Considering we already have 4 WRs committed and scholarship availability is tight, it just seems odd to me that we're putting such a press on a 5'9" receiver, regardless of his speed. I mean, how many jokes A DAY were made when RR would go after this kind of receiver? Why is it different now?
Nope. He is a kid in high school and will likely still grow an inch or two. Also when you are looking for playmakers, speed kills.

Now if we offered 20 5'5'' slot backs then that is a different story. But until then, no worries at all.
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korchiki;2064932; said:
... if we offered 20 5'5'' slot backs then that is a different story.
That's absurd. What kind of idiot coach would do something like that?

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I like that he could project on either side of the ball. Some people like him as a lock down corner because his hips are so fluid. He is also a threat in the return game. I just like the way he uses his speed and his body to create separation quickly. Once he gets in a groove with a college QB, they will be able to pick up easy yards on timing routes, especially when a DB has to worry about him being a deep threat as well.
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wadc45;2064948; said:
I like that he could project on either side of the ball. Some people like him as a lock down corner because his hips are so fluid. He is also a threat in the return game. I just like the way he uses his speed and his body to create separation quickly. Once he gets in a groove with a college QB, they will be able to pick up easy yards on timing routes, especially when a DB has to worry about him being a deep threat as well.

Agreed. I'd try him at WR first. Like his speed and route running.
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Joe6809;2064931; said:
Care to extrapolate that a little? Maybe have a discussion about it on a discussion board?

For starters, none of the WR currently committed are small 5'9" guys and none of them have the type of speed that Neal or Jones do.

Also RR went small all over with the idea of moving some to RB or DB, UM is just looking for someone with speed.
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Joe6809;2064931; said:
Care to extrapolate that a little? Maybe have a discussion about it on a discussion board?

Neal's height is relevant to this thread, RR is not. Those belong in threads about RR, TSUN or OSU recruiting threads.

Slots weren't the problem. Slot sized safeties, RBs, QBs were RR's undoing, as well as not recruiting prototypical receivers to complement the slots.

Back to Neal.

Would OSU prefer the five star, 6' - 6'1" 185 lb Cyrus Jones? Sure, but that isn't a possibility.

OSU has a few WRs with good straight line speed but none that are truly elusive like Neal..
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Jones is listed as 5-10 on Scout, so he isn't that much bigger than Neal...

I think he could play either CB or WR. From watching his tape, he is a beast on either side of the ball. Perhaps he could be a Chris Gamble type and play both.

BTW, Wad's avatar is hilarious.
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