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Search results

  1. Pryoronfire

    Operation Chaos mode - BCS Title game contenders

    National Championship Hopes Still Alive! As Top 10 teams keep going down every weak, our chances of getting into the mix of things are improving. I just heard Oklahoma is without Bradford this week, so I believe Miami will pull the upset partly because of their shiteous game with VT and they...
  2. Pryoronfire

    Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

    Watching USC game...that hit on Fangupo was bad :(..I'm glad he was able to get up!
  3. Pryoronfire

    Last movie you saw?

    Just watched 'Pandorum'. I enjoyed it!
  4. Pryoronfire

    RIP Patrick Swayze

    I'll miss him. I really enjoyed his more recent performances in '11:14' and 'Donnie Darko'. Love 'Dirty Dancing' and watch it at least twice a year!
  5. Pryoronfire

    Bands You've Seen In Concert

    Coldplay NIN U2 Live The Cranberries Sting Duran Duran Flickerstick Don Henley Bands I have yet to see but would really like to: The Killers MGMT The Cure Tears for Fears Snow Patrol
  6. Pryoronfire

    What song are you listening to right now

  7. Pryoronfire

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    You like Nicholas Sparks novels...I thought only women were suppose to admit to that! :wink2::yow2:
  8. Pryoronfire

    Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

    I never said they haven't played us well in the past. It's just my personal opinion that this one will be an easy win for us, and Illinois will make many mistakes. Of course, I could be wrong. :osu:
  9. Pryoronfire

    Sound Off !!! - Introduce Yourself

    Hello! 31, female here...I am a HUGE Buckeye fan and college football fan in general...born and raised in eastern Ohio & grew up watching the games every Saturday! Half of my family has degrees from Ohio State, and I myself graduated with a political science degree in 2000. I live in Wilmington...
  10. Pryoronfire

    Future Football Schedules (Updated 11/21/2023)

    About a year ago, I remember checking & Tennessee was on the schedule for 2012 or something like that. I went back to check it again, and it was removed. :( I wonder why? Hmmm...
  11. Pryoronfire

    Last movie you saw?

    Movies I watched this past week: '9' ...good 'The Express'...enjoyed it but sad at the end 'Sunshine Cleaning'...good 'The Amityville Horror' remake...loved Ryan Reynolds in film although he was creepy
  12. Pryoronfire

    Getting serious about delicious cookies...

    Cheryl's famous buttercream cut-outs are my favorite!! Their buckeyes are delicious too and inexpensive compared to other brands. I got 2 dozen the other day for $5.
  13. Pryoronfire

    WR Dane Sanzenbacher (Official Thread)

    He looks like a young, muscular C Thomas Howell. He's hot!!
  14. Pryoronfire

    Game Thread Ohio State 38, Toledo 0 (Sep 19, Browns Stadium)

    How in the hell do we not move up in the rankings after routing a team and USC manages to still be ahead of us after losing to an unranked team who my have improved since last year but will end up being a middle of the road PAC-10 team? That's pretty messed up...
  15. Pryoronfire

    Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    Just listening to radio and apparently Barkley says he has played a game like this in 7th grade...he says, "Bring it on. I'll imagine they are cheering for me. I'm not worried. They'll be tons of people but only 10,000 more than the Coliseum. " I hope to god we can get to him and sack him! Use...
  16. Pryoronfire

    Hineygate (now Crank It Up outside the Varsity Club)

    Has anyone been to the new bash near Krogers/Applebees? If so, what do you think of it. I am coming to the game to tailgate, and hopefully I can get tickets. But, if not for whatever reason, I will need a place to watch it (since on ESPN and not ABC)on a big screen near the stadium. I would...
  17. Pryoronfire

    ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

    Gameday music stinks. Enough of the country music already! They should do some MC Snorz this Saturday.
  18. Pryoronfire

    Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

    Hello....What time do you think I should get there Sat morning to park for tailgating and the game considering construction? Also, I don't have any tickets, but I am hoping to purchase from scalper (there are 6 of us total but willing to purchase in twos if have to). Has anybody had any success...