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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

brutus2002;1548733; said:
I live in the suburbs of Birmingham and I will tell you there are 5-6 OSU fans in my subdivision...probably10 B10 families. The B10 network is a godsend down here. B10 fans are everywhere by the thousands.

B10 are everywhere.
Went to a random bar in Seattle when we played away to LSU. There were a ton of Buckeyes, just 1 table for LSU. No SEC chants.
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Derek2k3;1548612; said:
DirecTV and Dish both carry it. However, I don't believe just anyone can get it. For instance, I live in Indiana and can get it, but not the SEC Network. Which I could care less about, but still its regional.

This is getting off-topic, but I want to clarify this. SEC Network is not its own channel like BTN is. SEC Network is syndication - it's basically ESPN+ with a special SEC logo attached to it, and is shown locally based on whether a local TV station in your market carries it.
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From the polls thread and CFN

Warning: Do not read while consuming food or drink. You are liable to choke to death and/or spray beverages on your computer if you ignore this warning.
Well, CFN has their rankings up.

Some notables:

7. Virginia Tech 2-1
11. Michigan 3-0
12. Notre Dame 2-1
18. Ohio State 2-1
20. Oklahoma 2-1

At least when you read their comments on the OSU game you know they're experiencing a complete disconnect from reality.
18. Ohio State 2-1
Last Week: at Toledo 38-0
This Week: Illinois

Why the ranking is too high: If Washington could get the job done at home against USC, why couldn't Ohio State? The offense still isn't producing at a consistently high level, and the defensive line isn't doing nearly enough to get into the backfield.
Why the ranking is too low: Terrelle Pryor finally started to play like Terrelle Pryor. It was only one game, and it came against Toledo, but Pryor was fantastic and the defense was swarming against Aaron Opelt and the high-octane attack.

Scout.com: 2009 Big 10 Fearless Picks, Week 4, Part 2

Why Ohio State might win: The defense is coming off a gem. Actually, it’s coming off of two straight excellent performances holding USC under wraps until Matt Barkley’s final drive. Toledo was among the nation’s leaders in total offense, but it was held to just 197 passing yards and just 13 on the ground against an OSU defensive front that’s playing better than it has in years (including the BCS Championship game seasons). On the other side of the ball, yeah, Illinois will bring the pressure, but if it doesn’t get to Pryor it’s uh-oh time. Illinois got torched by Missouri’s Blaine Gabbert and was ripped up by Illinois State’s Matt Brown two weeks ago.

You decide. :lol:
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