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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

Let's not forget the spread option worked so well cause they had two guys hold Gholston all game. Hopefully Delany doesn't put gamblers from Illinois on the game this year.
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NateG;1546994; said:
The other thing with Illinos is that when they won 2 years ago it was using the read option. Our boys got a ton of option practice in the offseason. So even if they try a similar model to win the game I think that the D will be able to handle it. Plus Ill isn't as good at running option as Navy. I know they are two separate styles but the reads are the same. And Rolle seems to be extremely fast and the DT's are playing great.

Rolle helps but the key to stopping the read option is the DL and guys like Jermale Hines.

The hybrid LB/S who can eat up space in a hurry but are sure tacklers help out a lot against that type of offense.
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Main key for this game as far as defense goes is one thing IMO. TACKLE. This team has big athlete's with Benn, Cumberland, and Juice.

On offense just do what we do and we'll be fine. Pryor needs to continue to run the ball once in a while. As long as we don't make many turnovers this game could be a good game to work on some things.
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So far this year the Illini defense has been really, really bad.

And now Martez Wilson is out and a redshirt freshman by the name of Evan Frierson is taking his place at middle linebacker.

And as for the Illini offense? Consider what they're up against. The DL is the strength of the Buckeyes, and is the one part of the team laden with starters who were on the field during the entire fourth quarter in 2007. They have more reason to play with emotion against the Illini than they did vs. USC; and they're not facing 1/2 the o-line.

This one might very well get very ugly.
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Some interesting things for sure. Nice job Storm! Washington has seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth since the Navy game. I think this weeks depth chart pretty much indicates that if you did not play against Toledo you are redshirting unless injuries occur.
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For all the talks of Tressel not running up the score on opponents just remember this...

In 2004 Ohio State went to Northwestern and lost 27-33, breaking a 24 game win streak over the Wildcats. Scores against the Wildcats the next few years:
2005 - OSU 48, NW 7
2006 - OSU 44, NW 0
2007 - OSU 58, NW 7
2008 - OSU 45, NW 10

Yes, the situations are a little bit different, NW beat the 'worst' team in the Tressel era but there's no way JT has forgotten about the loss 2 years ago. If the offense is clicking (and that can be a big if) don't expect JT to slam on the breaks... he will want to make sure Illinois understands their place in the Big 10 pecking order. I'd like to see 40+ hung on the Illini.
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bkochmc;1547675; said:
For all the talks of Tressel not running up the score on opponents just remember this...

In 2004 Ohio State went to Northwestern and lost 27-33, breaking a 24 game win streak over the Wildcats. Scores against the Wildcats the next few years:
2005 - OSU 48, NW 7
2006 - OSU 44, NW 0
2007 - OSU 58, NW 7
2008 - OSU 45, NW 10

Yes, the situations are a little bit different, NW beat the 'worst' team in the Tressel era but there's no way JT has forgotten about the loss 2 years ago. If the offense is clicking (and that can be a big if) don't expect JT to slam on the breaks... he will want to make sure Illinois understands their place in the Big 10 pecking order. I'd like to see 40+ hung on the Illini.



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I really expect this one to be a great "on track" game for us. As long as the "O" keeps the turnovers down, we will walk away with this one.

Good point on the NW series, Tress will keep the pressure on if at all possible. I'm thinking a 38-10 or something like that.
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NFBuck;1546906; said:
Just don't get Zooked.

I think our defense + no Mendenhall + their suspect defense = little chance for a Zooking.

Our DL is light years better than the '07 DL, so they'll get good enough containment on Juice to neutralize him. Plus he's shon little to no improvement as a passer since '07.

DaddyBigBucks;1547525; said:
So far this year the Illini defense has been really, really bad.

And now Martez Wilson is out and a redshirt freshman by the name of Evan Frierson is taking his place at middle linebacker.

And as for the Illini offense? Consider what they're up against. The DL is the strength of the Buckeyes, and is the one part of the team laden with starters who were on the field during the entire fourth quarter in 2007. They have more reason to play with emotion against the Illini than they did vs. USC; and they're not facing 1/2 the o-line.

This one might very well get very ugly.

What they said. The 2009 DL > 2007 DL, no Mendenhall, no Illinois D, no crooked refs.

I'm just not feeling a Zooking. I still think they are saving it for a flat (and vastly overrated) PSU team coming off an emotional prime time revenge game vs Iowa next week at home.
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bkochmc;1547675; said:
For all the talks of Tressel not running up the score on opponents just remember this...

In 2004 Ohio State went to Northwestern and lost 27-33, breaking a 24 game win streak over the Wildcats. Scores against the Wildcats the next few years:
2005 - OSU 48, NW 7
2006 - OSU 44, NW 0
2007 - OSU 58, NW 7
2008 - OSU 45, NW 10

Yes, the situations are a little bit different, NW beat the 'worst' team in the Tressel era but there's no way JT has forgotten about the loss 2 years ago. If the offense is clicking (and that can be a big if) don't expect JT to slam on the breaks... he will want to make sure Illinois understands their place in the Big 10 pecking order. I'd like to see 40+ hung on the Illini.

Exactly. I've used the Northwestern example myself several times in the past. Tressel will not normally run up the score, but for certain "paybacks", he will. I would not be surprised to see Tressel keep the firsts in longer than needed if we happen to go up big early.

Back to the Northwestern example, I think JT likes Pat Fitzgerald enough to where he may no longer run it up against the Wildcats...
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