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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

I think this one gets ugly. I think Toledo was just the beggining of the Tressel, don't call me conservative, offensive thrashing. Of course, I've been wrong about that before but the D is playing great and the "ones" were in for a long time against Toledo when he likes the team and coach. Final note, the "ones" came back in to preserve the shutout when Toledo crossed mid-field. Close that out with the screw job drop two spots in the pole after a win or loss and I think we going all out.
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smithlabs;1548042; said:
I think this one gets ugly. I think Toledo was just the beggining of the Tressel, don't call me conservative, offensive thrashing. Of course, I've been wrong about that before but the D is playing great and the "ones" were in for a long time against Toledo when he likes the team and coach. Final note, the "ones" came back in to preserve the shutout when Toledo crossed mid-field. Close that out with the screw job drop two spots in the pole after a win or loss and I think we going all out.

God I hope so...
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smithlabs;1548042; said:
I think this one gets ugly. I think Toledo was just the beggining of the Tressel, don't call me conservative, offensive thrashing.

I agree.

Bucks- 40+
Illinois- 7
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Ohio State Buckeyes seem to always have their hands full with Illinois

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter

Columbus- The Ohio State players can't say it because of the etiquette surrounding the mandatory praise of future opponents. If they said it, coach Jim Tressel might cut their tongues out.
But many times in the Big Ten, the Buckeyes line up with a talent edge so broad, only one of their worst games coupled with an opponent's absolute best could lead to an Ohio State defeat. Against Illinois on Saturday, no matter how inconsistent and inexplicable the Illini can be, that's not the case.
"I think most of the time, they're going to outmatch their opponents physically," Big Ten Network analyst Gerry DiNardo said of the Buckeyes. "They will not necessarily do that this week."
That, simply put, is why Illinois has dogged Ohio State the past several years, with the Illini winning in 2007 and losing by seven points in 2006 and 10 points last season. In the past three years, Ohio State has played seven conference games within a 10-point margin, two losses and five wins. Three of those games have been against Illinois.
No other opponent has pushed the Buckeyes more than once.

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smithlabs;1548042; said:
I think this one gets ugly. I think Toledo was just the beggining of the Tressel, don't call me conservative, offensive thrashing. Of course, I've been wrong about that before but the D is playing great and the "ones" were in for a long time against Toledo when he likes the team and coach. Final note, the "ones" came back in to preserve the shutout when Toledo crossed mid-field. Close that out with the screw job drop two spots in the pole after a win or loss and I think we going all out.

I'm not holding my breath.
And neither is Dave.
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You know how I know the Big Ten isn't any good?

One of the Big Ten's Greatest Games was the 2007 Illinois - Ohio State game. In addition to sloppy OSU tackling and Todd Boeckman's Interceptapalooza 2007, I figured the Big Ten would have gone all Nazi Germany and edited the game to omit:
  • The missed fumble call
  • Numerous pick plays, including at least 1 for a touchdown
  • A questionable officiating crew who called 1 Illinois penalty
If that truly is one of the greatest conference games EVER, I'm very worried. On top of that, it lead to OSU getting beat in the NC game and Illinois looking half comatose against USC.

Maybe ESPN was selling it cheap and the BIG10NETWORK just got a deal on it. I'd like to see OSU-ND 2005 replayed every week.
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The BTN is primarily trying to market to a Big Ten audience first. Yes, they want the national audience outside the Big Ten to care about their channel too, but they cater to their established fans first.....and a good portion of those fans are obviously Illinois fans.

So they put together a group of games to replay called 'The Big Ten's Greatest'. Northwestern has one or two, Indiana, Minnesota.....and to the rest of the nation (and maybe even to most of the Big Ten) some of those games are "who cares" games, but the BTN can't just play nationally recognized "instant classics" involving Ohio State, Michigan & Penn State.

To Illinois fans beating the number 1 ranked team in the country, a conference foe, at their home field, late in the season with pretty remarkable performances by their team's studs like 'Juice' Williams, Teddy Lehman, and Reshard Mendenhall easily qualifies as one of their greatest games (and probably even to the rest of the Big Ten audience, other than OSU fans) in recent history.....and would for Ohio State fans too if we had done the reverse.
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The other thing with Tressel keeping the Ones in especially on Offense (the defense had to be to keep a shutout) is the fact that we need to gel more. As bad as the announcers were, they continued to metioned how when they talked to JT that he mentioned over and over that the offense was a work in progress and it would take time. I definitely think he took that young Toledo defense as a chance to get on the job training. Plus the line was needing the work with Jimmy out of the mix.
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Padraig;1548122; said:
The BTN is primarily trying to market to a Big Ten audience first. Yes, they want the national audience outside the Big Ten to care about their channel too, but they cater to their established fans first.....and a good portion of those fans are obviously Illinois fans.

So they put together a group of games to replay called 'The Big Ten's Greatest'. Northwestern has one or two, Indiana, Minnesota.....and to the rest of the nation (and maybe even to most of the Big Ten) some of those games are "who cares" games, but the BTN can't just play nationally recognized "instant classics" involving Ohio State, Michigan & Penn State.

To Illinois fans beating the number 1 ranked team in the country, a conference foe, at their home field, late in the season with pretty remarkable performances by their team's studs like 'Juice' Williams, Teddy Lehman, and Reshard Mendenhall easily qualifies as one of their greatest games (and probably even to the rest of the Big Ten audience, other than OSU fans) in recent history.....and would for Ohio State fans too if we had done the reverse.

I agree with everything but the first part. The B10NET is only geared towards those in the B10 area, it isn't even available outside of the Midwest, right?
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