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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

Hey man, the game is on ABC in local...so an antenna would be your friend. Unless of course your out of market and have to get it on ESPiN...then your shit outta luck. Don't you have a friend that can DVR it, then you can watch it that evening?
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I pulled off a gameday move before. All it takes is a little advance planning. I had a bit of an advantage since mine was in conjunction with a night game - I was able to get everything inside and cable turned on and a new entertainment center assembled in time to see Drew Tate's punk ass get beat by the Buckeyes. It's doable with a 3:30 game though - just take a break or make sure the TV & stuff are packed accessibly, set them up early and either take a break for the game or do stuff that involves being in front of the TV. It's not as if you'd be completely unpacked and settled in at the end of the day even if there weren't a game, so there's no reason to bust your ass and not get to watch it.
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jlb1705;1549720; said:
I pulled off a gameday move before. All it takes is a little advance planning. I had a bit of an advantage since mine was in conjunction with a night game - I was able to get everything inside and cable turned on and a new entertainment center assembled in time to see Drew Tate's punk ass get beat by the Buckeyes. It's doable with a 3:30 game though - just take a break or make sure the TV & stuff are packed accessibly, set them up early and either take a break for the game or do stuff that involves being in front of the TV. It's not as if you'd be completely unpacked and settled in at the end of the day even if there weren't a game, so there's no reason to bust your ass and not get to watch it.

The key is to promise the other movers that there will be enough cold beer if the task is finished before kickoff.
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