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Getting serious about delicious cookies...

layer cake man

Upvote 0
BigWoof31;1547450; said:
It was only a matter of time before you joined this thread and called us all queers. I'm surprised it lasted this long.

Seriously. Just throw some flour and some metal shit in a bowl, mix it with water, bake for some amount of time (ask one of the Galindo's in this thread), and take them to the tailgate. When everyone says "What the fuck?! These taste like shit!!!"...be like "Yeah...I don't have a vagina, so it is what it is". No one will ask you to bring shit again. Stroke your beard as you laugh like a cartoon villain. The End.
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BigWoof31;1547450; said:
It was only a matter of time before you joined this thread and called us all queers. I'm surprised it lasted this long.
I sent Jake his "Homo!" rep at 5:22 pm today. :lol:

Tell the person you have sex with to make the cookies....that should work no matter what your deal is. :paranoid:
Upvote 0
Dryden;1547510; said:
Those look like they've been circumcised, and they're tiny, so I guess that makes them SEC-tailgate appropriate Tim Tebow Cupcakes!
Tim Tebow is a virgin only because he does not want women for the rest of their lives to fail at finding as great a level of satisfaction with other men.
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