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Game Thread Illinois 0, at tOSU 30 (Sep 26, 3:30, ABC/ESPN)

jlb1705;1548934; said:
This is getting off-topic, but I want to clarify this. SEC Network is not its own channel like BTN is. SEC Network is syndication - it's basically ESPN+ with a special SEC logo attached to it, and is shown locally based on whether a local TV station in your market carries it.

Ohhh, I see. Gotcha, thanks for clearing that up!

So, I have a Illini friend that swears up and down Juice will get on track Saturday...poor delusional DUMBASS.
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bukIpower;1547451; said:
Main key for this game as far as defense goes is one thing IMO. TACKLE. This team has big athlete's with Benn, Cumberland, and Juice.

On offense just do what we do and we'll be fine. Pryor needs to continue to run the ball once in a while. As long as we don't make many turnovers this game could be a good game to work on some things.

maybe you didn't get the memo from JO4H, but the main key to the game is the team that gets the most points will win. :p
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sammyjenkis;1549044; said:
Yeah, because Illinois always lays down when they play us...

I never said they haven't played us well in the past. It's just my personal opinion that this one will be an easy win for us, and Illinois will make many mistakes. Of course, I could be wrong. :osu:
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brutus2002;1549133; said:
I can tell you how to stop teams that run variations of the spread.

#1 tackle tackle tackle

#2 When you hit...destroy what you hit

#3 play discplined

If we do these 3 things we are gonna smoke Illinois.

Against Navy we proved #3. (Holding someone to below half their rushing yardage average the past 4 years is an impressive feat and requires discipline)
Against USC we proved #2. (Barkley is finally able to play again)
Against Toledo we proved #1.
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buxfan4life;1549351; said:
I hope someone TIVOs or DVRs this game and can post a torrent soon after so I can see it, since I will be hauling heavy furniture around all day. :sad2:

I [censored]ing hate moving. :mad1:
we'll have a torrent , but someone needs to get his priorities straight.
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You know I heard there's a plan that helps out people that move on Buckeye Gamedays. Wake up really freaking early, work until 3:00 pm, take a 4 hour break, and then finish afterward.
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Two things.....first, Illinois always plays OSU tough. Call it the Illibuck, or whatever, but have seen much lesser rated teams bit the Bucks in the a**. Second, call a mover and let them work around you....at the least you will have to move the TV......moving is for you young 'uns.

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Best Buckeye;1549353; said:
we'll have a torrent , but someone needs to get his priorities straight.
It would seem that I don't, but I assure you they are. Unfortunately, the move is the priority for my current situation. :smash:

NateG;1549362; said:
You know I heard there's a plan that helps out people that move on Buckeye Gamedays. Wake up really freaking early, work until 3:00 pm, take a 4 hour break, and then finish afterward.
I wish that were the case, but the guys I hired to help can't be here until 2 and the truck has to be back at 6. I know, bad timing, but when you are going as cheap as possible in this economy, you gotta make sacrifices.

calibuck;1549379; said:
Two things.....first, Illinois always plays OSU tough. Call it the Illibuck, or whatever, but have seen much lesser rated teams bit the Bucks in the a**. Second, call a mover and let them work around you....at the least you will have to move the TV......moving is for you young 'uns.

Not that young, just need to save money in any way possible.

I am hoping that the cable at the new place was never shut off from the previous tenant and I might be able to catch the second half while moving in. That would be a big time bonus!

Anyway, here's to the Buckeyes bringing home Illibuck!!:osu::oh:
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