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Jennifer's Body with a friend (female)

Girl make-out scene that's about 2 minutes long. I don't remember anything else. But seeing Megan Fox tongue it out with another chick (literally) makes the price of admission worth it.
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'Jennifer's Body'...fucking awful. Seriously might be one of the 2 or 3 worst movies I've ever been dragged to see in a theatre. Yeah, there was a makeout scene, but I have access to internet porn which is much better...2/10 and may God have mercy on the souls of those responsible for this turd.
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Gatorubet;1547609; said:
The other actors could not help laughing at him, and busting a gut trying to hide it. :lol:
When he's fighting his phantom arm, trying to prevent the "Heil Hitler!" in the final scene is one of the funniest five minutes ever put on film. :slappy:

I think this is Kubrick's finest achievement.
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Waltz With Bashir (Animated)

Both are movies from Israeli directors trying to come to terms with their personal experience during war (Kippur - 1973 Yom Kippur War, Waltz With Bashir - 1982 Lebanon).

Not really typical war movies but they both do a better job of telling the story from an individual's stand point than just about any other war flicks I've seen.
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