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wadc45;1533523; said:
Spent from 8AM until roughly 4PM drinking at our alumni tailgate before the game and Hineygate/Out-R-Inn after the game. My punishment? Taking TFD to see this abortion Saturday night while still moderately wasted:


Two days later I still don't get the whole "why is he a time traveler and why does he come back at different ages?" thing...avoid at all costs.

You poor bastard.
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wadc45;1533523; said:
Two days later I still don't get the whole "why is he a time traveler and why does he come back at different ages?" thing...avoid at all costs.

It makes somewhat more sense in the book which has hundreds of pages to explain itself, but the whole time I was reading it I was thinking, "This is not going to translate well to a film version."
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BayBuck;1533529; said:
It makes somewhat more sense in the book which has hundreds of pages to explain itself, but the whole time I was reading it I was thinking, "This is not going to translate well to a film version."

I was thinking the same thing. I still might not see the movie because the book was so good. I don't want the film to ruin that for me.
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Aguilera The Wrath Of God - Klaus Kinsky as a Spanish conquistador who stages in a mutiny among a scouting party of Pizarro's & leads them all to their death in the Amazon.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q3D0h4xCro]YouTube - Aguirre, the Wrath of God - 1972 - Trailer, Werner Herzog[/ame]

Kinski plays a madman as well as anyone (probably because he really was a wack job) but much of the secondary acting is pretty weak & the story drags along. The real reason to watch the film is because it was filmed on location in the Andes mountains & on the Amazon. Some of the cinematography is breathtaking...and there are some individual scenes that are woth the price of admission. The image of a noblewoman being dragged through the jungle on a palanquin is brilliant.
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wadc45;1533523; said:
Spent from 8AM until roughly 4PM drinking at our alumni tailgate before the game and Hineygate/Out-R-Inn after the game. My punishment? Taking TFD to see this abortion Saturday night while still moderately wasted:


Two days later I still don't get the whole "why is he a time traveler and why does he come back at different ages?" thing...avoid at all costs.
Weird, Bucky Katt loved it.
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Muck;1534203; said:
Aguilera The Wrath Of God - Klaus Kinsky as a Spanish conquistador who stages in a mutiny among a scouting party of Pizarro's & leads them all to their death in the Amazon.

YouTube - Aguirre, the Wrath of God - 1972 - Trailer, Werner Herzog

Kinski plays a madman as well as anyone (probably because he really was a wack job) but much of the secondary acting is pretty weak & the story drags along. The real reason to watch the film is because it was filmed on location in the Andes mountains & on the Amazon. Some of the cinematography is breathtaking...and there are some individual scenes that are woth the price of admission. The image of a noblewoman being dragged through the jungle on a palanquin is brilliant.

Kinski just wrote a book about filming Aguirre.

I saw Crank 2-High Voltage last night-very cool if you like Jason Stathem movies-IMO, it was better than Crank 1.
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Gran Torino

Walt Kowalski is my hero.

stxbuck;1540512; said:
Kinski just wrote a book about filming Aguirre.

That might be worth picking up. His relationship with Herzog was rocky to say the least. lol

I saw Crank 2-High Voltage last night-very cool if you like Jason Stathem movies-IMO, it was better than Crank 1.

I LIke Stathem, I just wish he'd quit remaking the same movie over and over again.

He's probably the only real action star out there today.
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My bad, Herzog wrote the book about Fitzcarraldo, not Aguirre. Still, it's about the challenges of filming in the Amazon . [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Conquest-Useless-Reflections-Making-Fitzcarraldo/dp/0061575534/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1252875956&sr=8-3]Amazon.com: Conquest of the Useless: Reflections from the Making of Fitzcarraldo (9780061575532): Werner Herzog: Books[/ame]
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