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ESPN College Gameday (official thread)

OregonBuckeye;1532174; said:
I'm just suprised they didn't pick a Jonas Bros or Hannah Montana song.
They did use a third segue that I saw last night which was a Billy Ray Cyrus tune. So that's basically another way of appealing to the Hannah Montana crowd.
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BrutusBobcat;1532303; said:
They've got to be trying to increase their demo numbers with women and gay men. There's not a straight man in America who went, "Sweet! Kenny Chesney AND Dave Matthews! How awesome is this??"

Hate Kenny....Love DMB.

Although I will admit that the last thing I think of when listening to DMB is College Football.
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Am I the only one that's getting sick of Gameday cramming in crappy musical acts into their programming?

I think everyone has had enough Kenny Chesney to last a lifetime but the lame Dave Mathews garbage takes the cake.

It's not even music that gets you fired up.
increasing the program length from 30 mins to an hour may have been necessary, however expansion to 2 hours left the same 40 or so minutes of substance and the rest is bs interest stories and crappo hyping...
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BrutusBobcat;1532303; said:
They've got to be trying to increase their demo numbers with women and gay men. There's not a straight man in America who went, "Sweet! Kenny Chesney AND Dave Matthews! How awesome is this??"

Dont really know Tony Gerdeman that well, but hey you might be on to something.

Tony's Tip Sheet
By Tony Gerdeman

His tremendously-styled, hook-laden new theme song that he wrote for ESPN has me rethinking everything I?ve ever known about theme songs.
Never has a theme song fit a show as well as Kenny Chesney?s does. Not even the theme song to the Garry Shandling Show.
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