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Game Thread Southern Cal 18, at tOSU 15 (Sept 12th, 8 pm, ESPN)

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I guess I just felt that was a play-calling issue more than a quarterbacking issue.

Obviously next week will be a much different game, but I don't know what else you could have wanted Barkley to do in this game. He ran the offense well, found the open receivers, and protected the ball.

I don't think either team gave us huge insight into next week offensively. I was just glad to see Barkley have a solid game, and a bunch of great runs and spreading the ball around to our backs.
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You couldn't ask for more from a true frosh.. It will be interesting to see him respond to pressure in primetime on the road though.. If he HAS to make a play the circumstances couldn't BE more stacked against him next week.. we'll see..
ttk;1532116; said:
I guess I just felt that was a play-calling issue more than a quarterbacking issue.

Obviously next week will be a much different game, but I don't know what else you could have wanted Barkley to do in this game. He ran the offense well, found the open receivers, and protected the ball.

I don't think either team gave us huge insight into next week offensively. I was just glad to see Barkley have a solid game, and a bunch of great runs and spreading the ball around to our backs.
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I watched the game 2 times....

I posted this earlier in the Navy thread but added some points for USC.

The 4 def td's allowed were all caused by one underlying main issue(which is why Navy runs the offense they do).....

They make you practice a overly repetitious offense that makes you stay disciplined and if you aren't they will catch you in that. Just go back through the game (and granted they played great overall because they are great players) but both Kurt Coleman and Brian Rolle cheated on their reads because of what they expected.

Kurt Coleman was most likely supposed to be the cover 1 in the passing defense due to him being our best safety. He continuously would step forward 2-3 yards right before the snap and his read would take him just outside of the DE to pick up the pitch man. On passing plays it would put him out of position to cover the deep center. He(and frankly no one in the stadium, coaching staff included) expected a post on the play following the fourth down. The Navy coaches were probably nervous to run it all game and thought that it was their only chance. They ran it Anderson isn't as good at one on one coverage and KC wasn't there and boom TD.

The flag route was Anderson's individual role error. He should've forced the WR in to the safety help whether or not Kurt was there.

The 2 td runs were caused by similar issues. Kurt played the same way so he wasn't in the deep center(not fully sure he was always the cover 1) after the FB dive. Rolle usually went to follow where the QB usually would go(outside the DE, per practice reps) but the QB followed the FB instead (read it). The DT's did their job eating up the FB but then the QB had full access to that running lane with no middle help and voila 2 td scores.

So, the next question is, Will USC use an offense like that? Most likely no. Next question, What will they run? Probably a pro style, play action/bootleg offense following their strong running game of sweep/off-tackle runs. Will our Defense play cover 1 most of the game similar to Navy? Most likely no. OSU usually plays a cover 2 and the cover guys will be Chekwa,Amos,Hines, and Torrence. This leaves Anderson and Kurt to help over the top like they are used to.

Brian won't be running directly to the outside to take the QB away as he did against Navy which will help.

Russell's role will be different for this game(no one on one) and he will get tons of work because OSU will use both him and Hines on the field alot IMO.

The main key is that our D Line gets penetration, slowing up the running backs and getting pressure on Barkley. If that happens the back seven will have a greater chance to be better and have time to be confident in their roles. All of the defensive issues are "fixable" issues.

I am pumped already and it's only Sunday.
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How often/well has McKnight run out of the wildcat or similar packages? I remember seeing it last year. Stafon & McKnight could be an interesting change of pace, particularly if the freshman shows his age this wekend.
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jwinslow;1532178; said:
How often/well has McKnight run out of the wildcat or similar packages? I remember seeing it last year. Stafon & McKnight could be an interesting change of pace, particularly if the freshman shows his age this wekend.

I know they did it a few plays against Ohio State but i think that's all they did it last season.
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Hello....What time do you think I should get there Sat morning to park for tailgating and the game considering construction? Also, I don't have any tickets, but I am hoping to purchase from scalper (there are 6 of us total but willing to purchase in twos if have to). Has anybody had any success with that lately? Worst case scenario, I figure I can watch it at the 'Across the Field' bash on corner of Olentangy and Ackerman.
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lightyears2012;1532069; said:
* I found it interesting that their "amazing" secondary faced 30 passes from a clearly inferior QB and failed to register an int.. conversely OSU faced 14 and picked 2.

Personally, I am quite pleased with Coleman's INTs; however, a big negator on any Secondary bliss in this comparison is that SC didn't give up any TD passes whereas we did. Now, that speaks volumes considering the competition.
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tOSU- 24

FWIW, I picked USC to win 31-17(or something like that) the week before last year's game.

If the Navy game was an indication of how this offense will look(passing to the TE, getting the ball to the RB's out in the flat) against USC and the rest of our opponents, I feel pretty good. If we go conservative, we'll get worked.
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I'm getting a good feeling about Allen Bradford for this game. Don't know what it is, but I feel like he's going to have a good game against the Buckeyes. :biggrin: I think he'll be able to be a bit of the power complement to McKnight's fancy footwork.
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Derek2k3;1532140; said:
College GameDay Final - College Football - ESPN

Check out douchebag May's comments. He gets 50 words and is still able to criticize the Bucks. I can't wait to hear what he'll say after the USC game Sat...

I'm with the guy above, totally stoked, 6 days left!!!!

Why do people feel the need to post what Mark May says? We all know he's a moron. He's been one going on seven years now. Nothing new.

As for the criticism of the Bucks yesterday, I'd say it's pretty deserved, so what's the beef other than it's Mark May saying it?
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