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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OH10;1967253; said:
For the producers, probably. But the writers, like Dodd or Forde, or the talking heads like [Mark May]stain May, are certainly taking an exceeding amout of pleasure in goading the Ohio State fans.

No doubt they enjoy it, but it also increases ratings. Which = money. I haven't watched ESPN for anything other than a game in like 2 years.
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If they thought they had anything else major, the August hearing would have been moved back (IMO).

That is my understanding of how they dealt with new serious charges discovered pending an already scheduled hearing - at least under past NCAA policy.
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bassbuckeye07;1967254; said:
97.1 is running with this like this is it

This ain't shit, hasn't the athletic department said they would investigate any viable leads (though one can argue how viable this lead is)? So of course the NCAA is asking question, some OSU reporter on Twitter said this would undoubtedly arise more questions from them when it first aired. It's their job, I'll bet anyone $100 no new allegations come from ESPN's "new" Outside the Lines.
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Hubbard;1967259; said:
This ain't shit, hasn't the athletic department said they would investigate any viable leads (though one can argue how viable this lead is)? So of course the NCAA is asking question, some OSU reporter on Twitter said this would undoubtedly arise more questions from them when it first aired. It's their job, I'll bet anyone $100 no new allegations come from ESPN's "new" Outside the Lines.

no i know...its those ass clowns....that dont know shit about college football and I cant believe have a show here...they act like Ohio State fans and have an audible hard on when anything comes out
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bassbuckeye07;1967254; said:
97.1 is running with this like this is it

They've run with every story like that, especially with the Common Man and the Turd.

That station has almost zero worthwhile programming anymore. Ricordati and Torguson are a couple of know-nothing clowns; DStanley is a stammering know-nothing; and while Neft at least has a stronger format and more intelligent takes, he doesn't have much of a voice for radio. Add in the two Mikes and Cowturd, and why on earth does anyone listen to that station?
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BuckeyeNation36;1967260; said:
BCS game = 18 Mil
Lesser Bowl Games = 1-3 Mil
No Bowl game if sanctioned = $0

Saving $ ???

a) Bowl game money is spread over the entire conference.
b) There would be a very valid argument saying we wouldn't of reached the BCS game last year without those key players, so lying actually made us money.
c) There are no sanctions (as of this post)
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OH10;1967266; said:
They've run with every story like that, especially with the Common Man and the Turd.

That station has almost zero worthwhile programming anymore. Ricordati and Torguson are a couple of know-nothing clowns; DStanley is a stammering know-nothing; and while Neft at least has a stronger format and more intelligent takes, he doesn't have much of a voice for radio. Add in the two Mikes and Cowturd, and why on earth does anyone listen to that station?

thats just it....I dont look forward to any national Ohio State coverage or local outside of Gerd and those guys....its fucking depressing what this has become
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