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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BlufftonBuckeye;1885602; said:
"I didn't move forward with this information, because in my mind I couldn't think of who that best would be." Tressel

Was unsure with what to do, didn't want to interfere with a federal investigation.

and since he didn't know who the best person to share this information with would be he chose not to share it with anyone? whoever suggested a press release would have been better than a press conference was right! that could have been said much better. other than that... we move on... long live tressel!
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SEREbuckeye;1885606; said:
If Im understanding this correctly:

Coach Tressel was given info about federal drug trafficking and an open FBI search into the program. He was held to strict confidentiality until cleared in December. If he could not go to the NCAA, then why is he in trouble?

That's what I am wondering as well? Why is it an issue if it would have interfered with an ongoing federal investigation? I would guess that reporting the issue would have resulted in a stone wall from the feds because of the investigation, which would have resulted in the suspensions in December anyway when the USAG brought it up to the University.
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I'm totally confused even after that press conference.

1) Who sent the emails?

2) What did the emails reveal about tOSU players?

3) What did the emails reveal about an ongoing federal drug trafficking investigation and how were tOSU players implicated?

4) How and why was confidentiality requested?

Need some answers.
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OSUScoonie12;1885609; said:
Tressel did not hand-over/talk about the emails because it was a Federal Drug Trafficking investigation which was suppose to be totally confidential.

IMO, that is a very tough call...and the NCAA would not be top priority in my head during a situation like that.

Yeah, IMO, FBI > NCAA.
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I don't want to imagine the spin to be put in this, but how it seems to me is that Tress' was put in-between a rock and a hard place and made a choice that I assume many of us would make, to protect the people he's dedicated himself responsible to.

If anything, this puts an unbreakable seal on the idea that JT is indeed a man of honor.
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OSUScoonie12;1885609; said:
Tressel did not hand-over/talk about the emails because it was a Federal Drug Trafficking investigation which was suppose to be totally confidential.

IMO, that is a very tough call...and the NCAA would not be top priority in my head during a situation like that.

Bottom line, JT was more concerned about his players...he was put in a tough spot...without an obvious answer.

Nothing more to see here folks...move along.
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*sigh* Don't be shocked if you start hearing jokes about OSU searching for "the real killers".

I'm not sure it wouldn't have been better if they could have just left out the whole FBI investigation from their explanation.
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