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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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ESPN completely omitting the Drug Trafficking case and ongoing investigation while they are still dragging the case through the mud. This sucks more than anything I can remember. I've hated the media for a long time and this situation does nothing but reinforce my feelings. Coach messed up. He should have at least said something to Gene Smith. Looking back now though everyone in the reporting venues are making this, "omission" not a lie, seem like its the worst thing anyone has ever done in NCAA history. Makes me sick.
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I feel for JT on this, but seriously, he should have talked to Gene Smith in strict confidence and from there they could have taken appropriate action.
Other than that, it seems the whole issue was pretty overblown.
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localyokel;1885627; said:
*sigh* Don't be shocked if you start hearing jokes about OSU searching for "the real killers".

I'm not sure it wouldn't have been better if they could have just left out the whole FBI investigation from their explanation.

That was the explanation.
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Gatorubet;1885613; said:
Because in the non-Buckey world, it will be seen as Tress covering it up. "Major violation" Tress committed a "Major Violation" that led to sanctions and that arguably stopped the investigation of matter that could have changed the eligibility status of players that won the Big-10 and the Sugar Bowl.

In a non-Buckeye world it can have a different spin. It can be spun as pure b.s. that Coach did not know what to do about a claim that his players were involved in a federal drug deal.

"He feels very sorry about this". People will be laughing at this, as true as it is.

God, I hope this is simply a projection of the extreme and not the general consensus.

The thought that anyone can pay attention to this man, this situation and hear the words he has said and look at the facts that have been presented and dismiss all of that as a cover-up or disguise for some major conspiracy deeply saddens me.

I get it. I really do understand exactly how it happens, but it disgusts me.
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strohs;1885631; said:
I feel for JT on this, but seriously, he should have talked to Gene Smith in strict confidence and from there they could have taken appropriate action.
Other than that, it seems the whole issue was pretty overblown.


And the important part is that the first person to tell you he made a mistake will be JT.
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I'm proud of Coach Tressel, proud of the university.

They were conducting their own investigation when Yahoo ran their story. Indeed, they were hoping to have it wrapped up by now. Kind of a dick move by Yahoo to run the story like that with just one anonymous source when Ohio State was in the process of self-policing. That turns it into a clear publicity grab on their part. We aren't Auburn or USC - Ohio State can and does take care of their own shit when a mistake happens.

Coach was clearly humbled, even flustered by the mistake, and he's going to take his medicine. I believe it was an innocent mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. As he said he has now learned, something like that should have at the very least been forwarded to university counsel - even if he was minding the request for confidentiality or not thinking of possible NCAA rules ramifications at that point.

Based on all of the facts on the table at this point, I feel the self-imposed sanctions are appropriate and will be angry if any further sanctions are levied by the NCAA.
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BuckeyeMike80;1885634; said:
who gives a crap about what people think nationally. Tressel is clearly after the prosperity and safety of his players.

Exactly. He was concerned (maybe too much or confused) about the confidentiality issue and protecting those named from possible physical harm that might come from a leak.

He'll still be as highly regarded in my mind even after this. The media and their bull [Mark May] can DIAFF for all I care.

EDIT: If the NCAA imposes additional game suspensions after the self-report and all of the facts of the matter, that would be absolutely ridiculous in my IMO.
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Wow. What Bullshit. JT got screwed over on this one. No coach should have to be put in that kind of situation, not even dick rod.

Tressel did what he thought was right and tried to support his players and not interfere with the investigation, I can only respect him for that.

This is just hard to watch.

I can't imagine what shit people will throw at tOSU now because of this....:shake:
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BuckeyeMike80;1885634; said:
who gives a crap about what people think nationally.

Here, you are being a fan. It's OK to be naive under the moment, but it is a huge f-ing deal what people think nationally.

I have to give props to Gene Smith. This is a big bucket of shit and he is handling it as well as anyone could. Really good job by Gene and Gordon.

Ooh, Tough question for Tress. "Why did you let them play?" This is gonna be bad for you and his rep, even though his answer is honest and truthful.
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