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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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SEREbuckeye;1885597; said:
With that said, the Yahoo source either works with the NCAA or OSU. :(

Tressel admits to emails being sent to him. With a heavy heart and very sorrowful voice, he speaks of past players with criminal issues. Says his focus was on talking with his players instead of running to the NCAA first.

I don't know about you, but the way Gene Smith mentioned the "source" makes me think he knows who it is...
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If Im understanding this correctly:

Coach Tressel was given info about federal drug trafficking and an open FBI search into the program. He was held to strict confidentiality until cleared in December. If he could not go to the NCAA, then why is he in trouble?
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Tressel did not hand-over/talk about the emails because it was a Federal Drug Trafficking investigation which was suppose to be totally confidential.

IMO, that is a very tough call...and the NCAA would not be top priority in my head during a situation like that.
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Tress' portion of the presser is over.

Just an FYI, Tress is in trouble because per the NCAA you have to inform them of any infractions, and JT was never specifically told he could not say anything. He was assuming confidentiality was imperative.
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SEREbuckeye;1885606; said:
If Im understanding this correctly:

Coach Tressel was given info about federal drug trafficking and an open FBI search into the program. He was held to strict confidentiality until cleared in December. If he could not go to the NCAA, then why is he in trouble?

Yeah I'm confused..didn't he do the right thing?
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SloopyHangOn;1885604; said:
I don't follow. Why is this a PR disaster?

Because in the non-Buckey world, it will be seen as Tress covering it up. "Major violation" Tress committed a "Major Violation" that led to sanctions and that arguably stopped the investigation of matter that could have changed the eligibility status of players that won the Big-10 and the Sugar Bowl.

In a non-Buckeye world it can have a different spin. It can be spun as pure b.s. that Coach did not know what to do about a claim that his players were involved in a federal drug deal.

"He feels very sorry about this". People will be laughing at this, as true as it is.
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