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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BlufftonBuckeye;1885641; said:
JT was specifically asked by an attorney, the attorney that sent the emails, to keep them completely confidential.

So, [censored] the NCAA. Twice.

I hate to tell you this, but some dickwad attorney saying "blah blah keep it quiet" does not trump NCAA rules. Which is why Tress committed a "Major violation".
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Gatorubet;1885642; said:
Here, you are being a fan. It's OK to be naive under the moment, but it is a huge f-ing deal what people think nationally.

I have to give props to Gene Smith. This is a big bucket of [Mark May] and he is handling it as well as anyone could. Really good job by Gene and Gordon.

Ooh, Tough question for Tress. "Why did you let them play?" This is gonna be bad for you and his rep, even though his answer is honest and truthful.

Do you really think Auburn cares what we think about them?
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OK, help me out here, somebody--You have players that you've been told are involved in drug trafficking, and under investigation by the FBI, and you don't sit them? But, when they trade tats for rings, you suspend them?
I am SO confused. Ow, my head...
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Nicknam4;1885640; said:
Wow. What Bullshit. JT got screwed over on this one. No coach should have to be put in that kind of situation, not even dick rod.

Tressel did what he thought was right and tried to support his players and not interfere with the investigation, I can only respect him for that.

This is just hard to watch.

I can't imagine what shit people will throw at tOSU now because of this....:shake:

Let them throw it, he who lives in a glass house should not throw stones. Or words to that effect, no one is immune to this shit. Not one program in the USA. Period
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Gatorubet;1885646; said:
I hate to tell you this, but some dickwad attorney saying "blah blah keep it quiet" does not trump NCAA rules. Which is why Tress committed a "Major violation".

Gator, we get it.

Feeling hurt for JT and for the University is the primary response here. I'm sure that the intelligent people on this board KNOW what the facts are and the consequences they elicit. I don't really think you're helping anything by continuously playing the "reality check" card.
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BuckeyeMike80;1885648; said:

I have a serious man-crush on Gene Smith now. He totally just took a shot at the SEC :rofl:
Which gains you what in the bigger scheme of things? SEC coaches and ADs now piling on when they might not have? Not a positive gain. Small mis-step in my book, with the only "gain" being from folks who are already all-in on the Bucks.
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NCAA will add a couple of games I'm quite sure. This isnt good to say the very least.

The moral compass here is on point. The financial compass and the NCAA view are secondary to say the least and seriously overblown.

As it is, I'm sure the guys will keep their 5 game suspensions and I can see JT getting about 2 more added on.

The team is going to really have to come together this spring and summer.
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