Just my take on the situation.
Tress was informed that a couple of current players perhaps had a relationship with a person under investigation of drug trafficking through an email by an attorney. In this email, it allegedly expressed that confidentiality be maintained while the investigation still moves forward. Tress gets nervous for the players and their well-being because of situations past that involved his former players. He is not sure whom he can talk to about this while the investigation goes forward, so he doesn't talk to anyone at the time fearing legal ramifications not only for himself, but the players mentioned in the e-mail.
OK, I can understand where he is coming from on this, BUT, IMO he should have sought legal council of his own (which he did say was brought up to him during the interviews/investigations) on how he should handle the situation.
The man was put in a real tough spot. He did what he thought was the right thing to do at the time with the knowledge he had. I am a bit disappointed by the news, but I am by no means disappointed by what he did.
Honestly, I can say that if any other coach, even Satan or Kiffin, were to be brought forward with this type of situation, I would understand why they did what they did.
Anyway, the whole thing absolutely sucks, but it is what it is. Buckeye til I die. Go Bucks!! :osu: