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BB73;1885675; said:
I'm pretty sure I heard JT say that an email from the attorney did request confidentiality.

Seems like the error was JT not going to tOSU's legal folks about the situation despite that request, to see if he should talk to his AD and/or compliance people after he got the email(s).

This, in a nutshell Bill.
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localyokel;1885653; said:
OK, help me out here, somebody--You have players that you've been told are involved in drug trafficking, and under investigation by the FBI, and you don't sit them? But, when they trade tats for rings, you suspend them?
I am SO confused. Ow, my head...

Here's why you don't sit them.

Let's say that at least 1 of the 2 players that you've been told have been potentially affiliated with a federal drug trafficking case was scheduled for major playing time (given that 4 of the 6 that were suspended in December were starters, this doesn't seem like too much of a stretch).

You're the coach. You know if you sit them, lots of people in Columbus will ask why. There's no answer to that question that you feel that you can give. In addition, you think that sitting those 2 players would call undue attention to them, might tip off the alleged drug traffickers that their activities were being noticed, and might place those 2 players in danger.

If you don't sit them, then nobody thinks that you know anything. The alleged drug traffickers continue with their activities, and the 2 players aren't threatened.

I think it's the right move at that point to let the 2 play.

The mistake wasn't in letting the 2 play. The mistake was in not telling OSU legal counsel, Gene Smith, or the compliance office under strict confidence what was going on.
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germ;1885666; said:
Why is he getting fined and suspended if the FBI told him to keep it quiet?

Sorry but something does not add up here, if the FBI told him to be quiet he should get fined or suspended IMO.

He was not told it was confidential. It was an email from a lawyer tipping him to the current federal investigation at Fine Line Ink, so Tress assumed it was confidential. So he sat on it.
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BB73;1885675; said:
I'm pretty sure I heard JT say that an email from the attorney did request confidentiality.

Seems like the error was JT not going to tOSU's legal folks about the situation despite that request, to see if he should talk to his AD and/or compliance people after he got the email(s).

He was nodding yes when asked about sharing the emails. That's when Gene Smith stepped in and shut down the question. I wonder if they all knew and JT is taking the flak.
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A Pac;1885676; said:
I feel bad for Jimmy T. He really shouldn't be in trouble at all and I fear that the NCAA will add more games. Also, how did nobody notice that Steve Harvey is now the A.D. at OSU?

I agree with this, from what i read if true, he should be cleared.
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germ;1885661; said:
Why is he getting fined and suspended if the FBI told him to keep in quiet?

Sorry but something does not add up here, if the FBI told him to be quiet he should get fined or suspended IMO.

This is what I dont get either...

Can they self-suspend and then appeal the suspensions?
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Gatorubet;1885646; said:
I hate to tell you this, but some dickwad attorney saying "blah blah keep it quiet" does not trump NCAA rules. Which is why Tress committed a "Major violation".

Bullshit. Law enforcement and federal investigations always trump the NCAA, so fuck them with a splintering telephone pole...
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BB73;1885675; said:
I'm pretty sure I heard JT say that an email from the attorney did request confidentiality.

Seems like the error was JT not going to tOSU's legal folks about the situation despite that request, to see if he should talk to his AD and/or compliance people after he got the email(s).


Going to counsel would not have violated the confidentiality aspect, and would've likely avoided today's events. Of course, it likely would've led to other events that may not have been any better.
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Pete Carroll when confronted on the many allegations - "Non comment", then he left for the pro's.

Gene Chizik when confronted about sCam Newton - deferred the talks and claimed he had no idea.

Coach Tressel when confronted about his issues - took an immediate presser, apologized, and taking a due suspension as well as public criticism.

Well done Coach Tressel, you have shown you are a much better leader than 99% of coaches out there.
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Just my take on the situation.

Tress was informed that a couple of current players perhaps had a relationship with a person under investigation of drug trafficking through an email by an attorney. In this email, it allegedly expressed that confidentiality be maintained while the investigation still moves forward. Tress gets nervous for the players and their well-being because of situations past that involved his former players. He is not sure whom he can talk to about this while the investigation goes forward, so he doesn't talk to anyone at the time fearing legal ramifications not only for himself, but the players mentioned in the e-mail.

OK, I can understand where he is coming from on this, BUT, IMO he should have sought legal council of his own (which he did say was brought up to him during the interviews/investigations) on how he should handle the situation.

The man was put in a real tough spot. He did what he thought was the right thing to do at the time with the knowledge he had. I am a bit disappointed by the news, but I am by no means disappointed by what he did.

Honestly, I can say that if any other coach, even Satan or Kiffin, were to be brought forward with this type of situation, I would understand why they did what they did.

Anyway, the whole thing absolutely sucks, but it is what it is. Buckeye til I die. Go Bucks!! :osu:
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After soaking in the PC with Smith and Tressel in addition to following the issues surrounding the suspension of the 6 players and now Tressel, here is some things to ponder:

1) During the investigation, various Buckeye memorabilia and items are found. Attorney tells JT about it but tells him not to divulge any info because it could jeopardize the case. That means it does not go to anyone else including the NCAA.

2) Players are not told anything due to safety factors. What would happen to the players if known drug dealers find out they know about their operation? Case is in trouble as well as the players lives are in danger.

3) When did Tressel get the OK to discuss the case? December? I don't know but the only thing I see that JT did wrong was not discuss the issue with the universities legal department and put the burden on them about what to divulge.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1885641; said:
JT was specifically asked by an attorney, the attorney that sent the emails, to keep them completely confidential.

So, fuck the NCAA. Twice.

germ;1885661; said:
Why is he getting fined and suspended if the FBI told him to keep in quiet?

Sorry but something does not add up here, if the FBI told him to be quiet he should get fined or suspended IMO.

Dryden;1885680; said:
He was not told it was confidential. It was an email from a lawyer tipping him to the current federal investigation at Fine Line Ink, so Tress assumed it was confidential. So he sat on it.
It's not a violation of any "confidentiality" to discuss a legal situation with your attorney. I'm sorry, but JT comes across as a bit too naive on this point.

I do, however, find it unusual that the emails were sent directly to Tressel, and not to Gene Smith or the compliance department.
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