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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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JBaney45;1885504; said:
I just posted on my twitter that Tressel definitely did not know, and in fact the players didn't sell their memoribilia at all and it was a giant misunderstanding.

We're in the clear here guys

Lori Schmidt isn't a random person, if that's what you're trying to say. She's credible.
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(yep, ya' set the house on fire and ya' never know what cockroaches are gonna come scurrying out of the woodwork. Hi, ya'll.)

How delightful this story broke only a matter of days before the NCAA Tournament bracket match up for the No. 1 Ohio State basketball team was announced...not to mention the unmitigated joy that has been CryGate. Guess there is some cosmic plan that we in Ohio are just not meant to have any fun.

There have been many posts here defending JT's character. I don't see this as a moral issue; I see this as an IQ test. Could Coach have possibly been stupid enough to put himself in this position? Would he actually have gambled his legacy and the University's image over concealing a tattoo-bartering scandal? Hard to imagine his judgment is that faulty. If he did so, it would seem to reveal an unhealthy, desperate need to win that he has so far skillfully masked. That said, my literal gut feeling as 7PM approaches: big, icy rock. I don't think any Buckeye fan is gonna like what they hear tonight.

Regarding the 7PM meeting tonight: An appearance of anything other than absolute transparency and total disclosure will not fly. The Senator cannot afford to be diplomatic tonight.

There will be plenty of time in the future to debate the hypocrisy of the system that lobbied to keep the players on the team for a bowl game that raked in millions for the networks, schools, etc., while simultaneously deriding the players for exchanging their own property for a few thousand dollars. The larger hypocrisy pill I just can't manage to choke down was reflected as ESPiN went directly from covering OSU's situation to gushing over Cam Newton's pro day performance. I guess his character isn't in question any longer. :(

Regardless of how this plays out, and even if everyone involved is ultimately exonerated, you all know what's coming. For as long as any Buckeye fan sets his/her virtual foot into a forum, or steps onto a rival campus, you will be hearing about this. It won't matter if it's fifteen years from now. Resign yourself to dealing with it, because the hatahs are NEVER going to shut up about it...never, ever, ever, ever, ever.

Just remember: it's dangerous to mix alcohol with pharmaceuticals. Pick one.

And, to quote the echo of Betty Davis I keep hearing in my head:
Brace yourselves. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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BlufftonBuckeye;1885505; said:
I'm not, but is it against the rules to repost any info here?

If not...please, share. :)
Bluff, you have to sign up for a month, get the scoop, and bring it back. You will get banned, and it is illegal for you to do it......but it's the right thing to do for BP.

Grenade. Fall on it for us.
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