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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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BB73;1885534; said:
Tim May is reporting that a fine or a suspension is in play.

He says that JT was told about some of the players involvement in April, but that JT didn't pass the info on to compliance because it came from an attorney as part of an investigation, apparently in an e-mail or two that tOSU uncovered in January, 2011 while working on the appeal.

The Yahoo story has forced tOSU to discuss the topic before they otherwise would have.


Well, here you go guys.
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BB73;1885534; said:
Tim May is reporting that a fine or a suspension is in play.

He says that JT was told about some of the players involvement in April, but that JT didn't pass the info on to compliance because it came from an attorney as part of an investigation, apparently in an e-mail or two that tOSU uncovered in January, 2011 while working on the appeal.

The Yahoo story has forced tOSU to discuss the topic before they otherwise would have.


That makes it even more interesting that Gee is going to be at this press conference. I wonder who will be making the statement, Smith, Tress or Gee?
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FYI, everybody. This thread is very busy, and it will get even moreso when the presser starts.

In the interest of allowing interested parties to access BP quickly in order to access the latest information, please refrain from any silly and/or joking posts during the press conference.

Also, try not to post meaningless reactions the news as it unfolds.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1885526; said:
Not as bad as everyone thinks, at least from the info I've seen.



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Lol really guys? This is the internet we're talking about. If there is information available to "Scout Private", then it is available 7 seconds later to anyone who looks hard enough. And I find it funny that some claim to hold out said information anyways siting illegality. Really? Make a new username and make one post through a private proxy. It is not difficult. And I get the whole "stealing from another website" aspect jlb and mods, all I'm saying is some people should stop pretending to be so damn pious.
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