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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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jlb1705;1885521; said:
Please don't. It's pretty much theft of another site's "product" and BP does not condone it.

Don't worry, I wouldn't/won't.

Of course, if I did, it would be all over twitter.

Now, to those that know (*Cough*GEORGIA*Cough*) can you give an indication as to how trashed I should get in the next 23 minutes?
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Tim May is reporting that a fine or a suspension is in play.

He says that JT was told about some of the players involvement in April, but that JT didn't pass the info on to compliance because it came from an attorney as part of an investigation, apparently in an e-mail or two that tOSU uncovered in January, 2011 while working on the appeal.

The Yahoo story has forced tOSU to discuss the topic before they otherwise would have.

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I'm wondering if Tressel was contacted by the US Attorney's office pursuant to a grand jury investigation back in April (for the tat parlor owner's drug charges). If so, he may not have been allowed to say anything without facing far more serious repercussions.
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