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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Bucknut24;1885488; said:
dont feel like going through 44 pages to find it, but I can't remember, did Ohio St self report this to the NCAA, or did the NCAA come in and investigate?

originally, back in December

Ohio State was notified by the US Attorney's office and prepared a self-report to the Big Ten and NCAA.
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CleveBucks;1885485; said:
10TV says Tattoo owner's house was raided last April 1, looking for evidence of drug crimes. They found OSU merchandise. The same stuff was found during the second search in December. Presumably OSU was informed of the first search.

So presume this is the truth...what options does JT have at that point without subpoena power?

He can take players words for it, but is he going to open his own criminal investigation? If the FBI found this suspicious why didn't they take it to the university? Could Tressel even comment on the investigation or would that have put the FBI's case in jeopardy.

I'm just not sure what universities/coaches/NCAA can do without the power of legal law?

JT is a good man and the negative attention he's about to endure is going to be ridiculous. So many people just hate Ohio State and are ready to grasp at anything. It sucks, but I'm sure JT can handle it. I'm just disappointed because I tink someting like tis will ultimately lead to JT getting out when the storm has passed. There's just very little incentive to take these situations on year after year....
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