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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Damn, this is concerning as hell.

As has been pointed out, there is no way anything GOOD comes out of this. Our only hope is that it isn't super BAD. You don't get the President of the school, the Athletic Direct, and the head coach together for a presser to just say hello.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm on edge, any word if this will be on ESPiN?
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BlufftonBuckeye;1885473; said:
Damn, this is concerning as hell.

As has been pointed out, there is no way anything GOOD comes out of this. Our only hope is that it isn't super BAD. You don't get the President of the school, the Athletic Direct, and the head coach together for a presser to just say hello.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm on edge, any word if this will be on ESPiN?

Knowing ESPN and their love for us, i'm sure it will be on every ESPN Channel including "The Ocho" + ESPN3.com + ABC + Disney + front page of every website they control.
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Irregardless of how this plays out, why subject yourself to this on a regular basis if you are Jim Tressel.

I'm sure whatever decision he made at the time, is what he thought was best for these players and school. He's the classiest coach in the country, and I have faith in whatever choice he made at the time.

I'm sure he'll apologize for it at the presser, but at the time I'm sure he had reasons for not destroying these kids...other than a successful season.

But even if he agrees to coach next season, I just see him departing earlier than expected due to this. Every off-season and successful season is just opening the flood-gates for journalists to start digging in the dirt hoping to find shit to throw against the wall.
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10TV says Tattoo owner's house was raided last April 1, looking for evidence of drug crimes. They found OSU merchandise. The same stuff was found during the second search in December. Presumably OSU was informed of the first search.
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