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jlb1705;1942921; said:
I think it's easy to forget sometimes that there's a large portion of the fanbase that doesn't follow the team online or post on message boards. Everybody on BuckeyePlanet or on OSU forums in general may know the distinction, but we're a small percentage of the whole.

BP would have a bigger membership if it wasn't so hard to understand.
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i don't know about that. i would say 99% of people know that the BMV has nothing to do with the NCAA and if they don't they probably cant read anyway so they wouldn't have a dispatch in front of them.
Apparently you haven't read many comments on news websites. They're as knowledgeable and reasonable as youtube commenters.
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Tlangs;1942928; said:
i don't know about that. i would say 99% of people know that the BMV has nothing to do with the NCAA and if they don't they probably cant read anyway so they wouldn't have a dispatch in front of them.

Also, on ESPNs article they go on to say..."the BMV did not investigate TPs use of loaner cars"....well no shit.

In my opinion, these little tidbits of info aren't to inform the uniformed but to further their agenda of "OSU is dirty" (which we are guilty of in some areas so it is our own fault) and get subtle digs at OSU in even when one of their major stories is starting to be knocked down just a peg.

I think they're just making clear what has been determined by the findings and what hasn't. You may be right about their agenda, but I don't think it applies to what you're talking about. I think you're reading more into that clarification than what's there.

Dryden;1942931; said:
BP would have a bigger membership if it wasn't so hard to understand.

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jwinslow;1942958; said:
Raters gonna rate

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Tlangs;1942928; said:
i don't know about that. i would say 99% of people know that the BMV has nothing to do with the NCAA and if they don't they probably cant read anyway so they wouldn't have a dispatch in front of them.

Also, on ESPNs article they go on to say..."the BMV did not investigate TPs use of loaner cars"....well no [Mark May].

Obviously this is a new scandal. You notice they are known as THEE Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles????!@!???

I'm just sayin'...
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jlb1705;1942921; said:
There's plenty of reasons to complain about the Dispatch's coverage, but this isn't one of them. There are plenty of fans out there - probably the exact type of fan that gets their Ohio State coverage primarily from a newspaper - who don't understand the distinction between investigating for violations of the law and investigating for NCAA violations.

I think it's easy to forget sometimes that there's a large portion of the fanbase that doesn't follow the team online or post on message boards. Everybody on BuckeyePlanet or on OSU forums in general may know the distinction, but we're a small percentage of the whole.
OK, but in the counterfactual scenario where the BMV investigation concluded that local car dealerships had violated state law in reporting their transactions with OSU football players, do you think the Dispatch would have made a point of indicating in their headline that this was not evidence of a violation by OSU of NCAA rules? Are you even confident that they would have mentioned this in paragraph twelve? So sure, I think this sub-headline made a legitimate point, but it's also part of the pattern which suggests to me that the local paper is mostly interested in one particular side of the narrative.
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Dryden;1942860; said:
At this point, I think our worst penalty will be the ire of fans everywhere who really want to believe that JT and the entire OSU program are dirty.

There's going to be a lot of [censored]ed off, dissappointed people when Ohio State doesn't get the death penalty.

This is what I truely have believed all along.
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buckeyeinfla;1942962; said:
so what is this new story from 2006 SI is working on now?

Probably Troy Smith related, I would assume. But who knows?

Dohrmann is probably dug in even deeper to find something at Ohio State, especially since his last story has been panned by collegues in the media and refuted by almost everyone involved. He probably feels the need to prove himself, so they're not letting go until they find something that will drag this institution down.

This is basically an audit we've been going through. By the time its over (who knows when that will be?), at least we'll know that everything that could be found was found - and let that be the end of it.
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