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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OH10;1942996; said:
I think the instinct here is to lash out at the media (SI, Dispatch, ESPN) and say, "told ya so." That's understandable given what we, as OSU fans/supporters, have gone through over the last several months.

But we would be best served to remember that this isn't over. They may still have the last laugh yet.

Everyone knows there may be more out there but its not coming from Dohrman....him putting out another article after that drama erodes his credibility even more....back away from the ledge...use the caluses you have built from this shit we have already been through and back away from the ledge.
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CONGERSBUCKEYE;1942983; said:
Here is my question for everyone after it appears the cars come back clean. What is the NCAA case?

JT emails is the only known thing that has come up since the end of last year. Tattoo's and selling stuff was exposed before the Sugar Bowl and NCAA ruled they will miss 5 games. Pryor has left so they can not interview him about anything new. JT lost his job and can not be interviewed. So can compliance or OSU be brought down over a rogue Coach and Player that they can not interview? OSU can argue that they immediately notified NCAA when any information was brought to their attention but how can they prevent (before hand) a coach that lied and signed his name to the NCAA that showed he lied to them as well. I do not see the harsh penalties unless Gene or the Assistants or compliance knew. Those saying that this is like USC are off base and the cases in my view are completely different.
Well there is the fact that large quantities of OSU equipment like footballs, pads, etc went missing and nothing was done or noticed. Kind of hard to get around that one, college football programs taken inventory. Shoot even my flag football team in elementary school took inventory of equipment.

Also what is up with OSU saying it will not investigate further?http://www.dispatch.com/live/conten...s-made-money-on-sales-Ohio-State.html?sid=101.
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Gator, correct me if i'm wrong but.. the NCAA statute of limitations is 4 years ... meaning anything that anything that happened before 07 is null and void, with the NCAA unless they were already investigating it or I guess using it as a pattern of non-compliance?
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I'm just praying that UNC and Oregon will distract the media from OSU for about a good 2 minutes. Both of those scandals are so much more systemic and wide spread than ours. But money talks and OSU get clicks so I'm not very optimistic.
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AuTX Buckeye;1943067; said:
Gator, correct me if i'm wrong but.. the NCAA statute of limitations is 4 years ... meaning anything that anything that happened before 07 is null and void, with the NCAA unless they were already investigating it or I guess using it as a pattern of non-compliance?
But OSU was put on probation in 2006 because of the basketball team, if any major violations are found to have happened when OSU is on probation then that will be a problem. OSU recieved 3 years probation I believe, so anything in the 2006 to 2009 time period is in that time frame.
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AuTX Buckeye;1943067; said:
Gator, correct me if i'm wrong but.. the NCAA statute of limitations is 4 years ... meaning anything that anything that happened before 07 is null and void, with the NCAA unless they were already investigating it or I guess using it as a pattern of non-compliance?

Yes and no. Lawyer answer. :biggrin:

Yes on the four years. Yes on the part that acts that indicate a willful pattern of violations can exceed the four years. But I have to note that subsection "C" comes into play as it relates to your specific fact pattern and some of the allegations surrounding those. If subsection "C" is involved ( and it is somewhat arbitrary what is a "blatant disregard" versus a disregard, but whatever...) then no matter when it occurred, then a one year period to investigate is still an option.
NCAA rule 32.6.3 Statute of Limitations: Allegations included in a notice of allegations shall be limited to possible violations occurring not earlier than four years before the date the notice of inquiry is forwarded to the institution or the date the institution notifies (or, if earlier, should have notified) the enforcement staff of its inquiries into the matter. However, the following shall not be subject to the four-year limitation:
(a) Allegations involving violations affecting the eligibility of a current student-athlete;
(b) Allegations in a case in which information is developed to indicate a pattern of willful violations on the part of the institution or individual involved, which began before but continued into the four-year period; and
(c) Allegations that indicate a blatant disregard for the Association's fundamental recruiting, extra-benefit, academic or ethical-conduct regulations or that involve an effort to conceal the occurrence of the violation. In such cases, the enforcement staff shall have a one-year period after the date information concerning the matter becomes available to the NCAA to investigate and submit to the institution a notice of allegations concerning the matter.
And to those that express a hope that the institution will escape the wrath of the NCAA because of the actions of a rogue coach or some players, the following information came straight from the NCAA's power point:

"Institutional Responsibility

Regardless of knowledge or involvement, under NCAA rules, institutions are responsible for the actions of staff members, student-athletes and boosters."

Simply put, the institution not knowing about it is not a "get out of bad stuff card". Lack of knowledge is a mitigation factor to be argued, to be sure, but the "should have known" thing becomes huge - otherwise the school would just purposely remain dumb about shenanigans and skate. A basic concept is to not let a lack of knowledge by the institution get one off the hook, if you think about it. So that line of hopeful thinking can only go so far.

Edit: I did not mean that I see a "blatant disregard for the Association's fundamental recruiting, extra-benefit, academic or ethical-conduct regulations" that would draw the four years longer. That was bad wording on my part. I was referencing the efforts to conceal, which was within the four year period, it being only since April of 2010 the violation happened. But if allegations of a longer period of selling stuff than four years were made, then they would not be excluded out of hand as too old to investigate or address. Sorry for that.
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Divided42;1943064; said:
Well there is the fact that large quantities of OSU equipment like footballs, pads, etc went missing and nothing was done or noticed. Kind of hard to get around that one, college football programs taken inventory. Shoot even my flag football team in elementary school took inventory of equipment.

Also what is up with OSU saying it will not investigate further?http://www.dispatch.com/live/conten...s-made-money-on-sales-Ohio-State.html?sid=101.

This equipment thing is fact or media driven. Once again there are five players that were found guilty of selling stuff some of which they earned and received a five game suspension. It was indicated that they paid back any money. Tressel obviously committed his infraction by playing with ineligible players which he was the only one in the program to know this and now lost his job. That is all on him. There is no program or compliance dept that can prevent a head coach from lies and covering or hidding information.
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There are a series of tweets from Ken Gordon of the Dispatch that just came out that make me feel pretty good....I dont know if I can post them or what not with Twitter and all but I have to tell you, that from everything ive heard the Dispatch-and what they know are what we should fear the most as fans....Ken Gordon knows what is going on and he hears shit that we dont except maybe a few.... sorry if this needs moved to the mill

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bassbuckeye07;1943134; said:
There are a series of tweets from Ken Gordon of the Dispatch that just came out that make me feel pretty good....I dont know if I can post them or what not with Twitter and all but I have to tell you, that from everything ive heard the Dispatch-and what they know are what we should fear the most as fans....Ken Gordon knows what is going on and he hears shit that we dont except maybe a few.... sorry if this needs moved to the mill

just saw that, most positive thing ive seen from gordon in a while
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