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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Just feels more and more like tOSU jumped the gun on forcing Tressel out. None of these reports are sticking, and multiple colleges are being found to be WAY more corrupt than what was happening at tOSU.

It doesn't make what happened with Tressel OK, but it puts it in perspective. I'd hope the NCAA realizes just how much the University has suffered and already been punished just in the loss of JT....a father figure to 85 scholarship athletes and an amazing teacher.

This off-season has just been a whore's nightmare....
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billmac91;1943229; said:
Just feels more and more like tOSU jumped the gun on forcing Tressel out. None of these reports are sticking, and multiple colleges are being found to be WAY more corrupt than what was happening at tOSU.

Well, I still think that the University's stance is that this isn't/wasn't an institutional thing, but pinned to one person. Having him no longer at the helm makes it easier for the University to advocate that they don't deserve stricter sanctions.
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scarletmike;1943227; said:
Wow...the NCAA hates agents, so I'm surprised this didn't draw a little more initial ire from them. And overall, a very even piece. Stewie impresses me with his writing sometimes.
When he tones it down, he's one of the best writers they have. Problem is, he's prone to ridiculous hyperbole a lot of the time.
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MaliBuckeye;1943231; said:
Well, I still think that the University's stance is that this isn't/wasn't an institutional thing, but pinned to one person. Having him no longer at the helm makes it easier for the University to advocate that they don't deserve stricter sanctions.

I get that. But even if tOSU keeps Tressel, the University still hasn't been involved in Academic fraud, agents paying assistant coaches, players taking money from agents (at least proven) and haven't paid $25,000 for recruiting tapes of players from 2 classes ago.

You'd hope grown men would understand what a punch in the nuts this entire situation has been for tOSU and the athletes...all over tattoos and a coach protecting his players breaking from the never-ending media barrage that he-himself is now facing.

Tressel messed up...but not reporting what he knew, doesn't even register with what is happening at UNC....and UNC didn't even get Lack of Institutional control over their problems...

If UNC doesn't get LOIC after all of their issues, and Butch Davis is still the coach, Ohio State should be applauded by the NCAA and given 5 extra schollies through 2015 for firing Tressel....
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CONGERSBUCKEYE;1943096; said:
This equipment thing is fact or media driven. Once again there are five players that were found guilty of selling stuff some of which they earned and received a five game suspension. It was indicated that they paid back any money. Tressel obviously committed his infraction by playing with ineligible players which he was the only one in the program to know this and now lost his job. That is all on him. There is no program or compliance dept that can prevent a head coach from lies and covering or hidding information.
Direct quote from this very thread, page 333, post 4986.

there is internal audits on all equipment in the department. They showed huge quantities of stuff missing, not much was done about it.

I guess you don't believe and/or trust unionfutura then, personally I do. If what he says above is true, I sure hope its not, it looks as if compliance did its job, but OSU ignored them anyway which is a smoking gun. This is the one I am most worried about because it either happened and there is documented evidence of the audits and stuff missing or there isn't and we are clear.
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Divided42;1943240; said:
I guess you don't believe and/or trust unionfutura then, personally I do. If what he says above is true, I sure hope its not, it looks as if compliance did its job, but OSU ignored them anyway which is a smoking gun. This is the one I am most worried about because it either happened and there is documented evidence of the audits and stuff missing or there isn't and we are clear.
Let's assume it's true. Stealing equipment isn't an NCAA violation. You'd have to prove it was stolen and sold.

That's a bit tougher to do. Further still, stealing something and selling it isn't an NCAA violation.
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Dryden;1943242; said:
Let's assume it's true. Stealing equipment isn't an NCAA violation. You'd have to prove it was stolen and sold.

That's a bit tougher to do. Further still, stealing something and selling it isn't an NCAA violation.

Kind of brings me back to my question from a few months ago...

Could a huge shoe drop in regards to the filed police report last October after the Penn State game?

They reported 6 pairs of Pryor's cleats, 1 pair each of Boom, Posey, and Cam among others.

What if that report was somehow falsified or a cover-up for players stealing equipment and they needed an explanation for where it went???

Just speculating.
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billmac91;1943229; said:
Just feels more and more like tOSU jumped the gun on forcing Tressel out.

You could have waited until Tress was banned from tOSU via a show cause ruling, that is true. Why you think keeping him on pending that finding is now a wise strategy, that I cannot fathom. Cutting losses was key.

billmac91;1943229; said:
None of these reports are sticking, and multiple colleges are being found to be WAY more corrupt than what was happening at tOSU.

That the Ohio BMV did not find impropriety in the car deal is great, but that has nothing at all to do with the pending NOA and the current investigation by tOSU and the NCAA pursuant to that NOA. One is mostly just babble between the press and bloggers. The other is more akin to a criminal charge, and nothing about the second is resolved by the good news of the other.

As to "multiple colleges being WAY more corrupt", you should afford them the same deference and presumption of innocence concerning their NOA as you (correctly) insist on applying to your own NOA.

billmac91;1943229; said:
It doesn't make what happened with Tressel OK, but it puts it in perspective. I'd hope the NCAA realizes just how much the University has suffered and already been punished just in the loss of JT....a father figure to 85 scholarship athletes and an amazing teacher.

I can see how how a fan could feel this way, truly I do. But to anyone not highly emotionally invested in the program from a Buckeye fan perspective, that bold sentence is damn near laughable Bill. Nobody in the NCAA gives a [Mark May] about how badly you feel about the loss of your coach when he violated 10.1 and let ineligible players take you to a bowl game - especially when he punked the NCAA (by hiding his knowledge of the violations) into letting his guys play after they were caught, thereby diminishing the severity of the tat-five violations assessed in December. TP walks
entirely for his crimes, neither missing games in 2010 like A.J. Green, missing the Bowl when the Justice Dept outed them, nor missing a game in 2011 despite having cheated to get the 2011 Sugar Bowl berth. Most non-Buckeyes think this an egregious result.

The NCAA also does not see nor care about "father figure" status...unless you can point me to a mitigation bylaw that says father figures are treated less harshly. Point in fact, they see a coach "who failed to deport himself with honesty and integrity associated with the conduct and administration of college athletics". The NCAA is not comprised of Buckeye fans who cherish The Game wins. The NCAA does not care about hospital visits with sick kids when it looks at 10.1 issues. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but the fan stuff has nothing to do with the legal stuff, and while it is fine to argue that it really should - to suggest that it does is intentionally misleading to some readers who will buy that line.

billmac91;1943229; said:
This off-season has just been a whore's nightmare....
Too true. Nice to see things are getting better, allegation wise.
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jwinslow;1942958; said:
Raters gonna rate
Inflaters gonna inflate

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Gatorubet;1943245; said:
TP walks entirely for his crimes, neither missing games in 2010 like A.J. Green, missing the Bowl when the Justice Dept outed them, nor missing a game in 2011 despite having cheated to get the 2011 Sugar Bowl berth. Most non-Buckeyes think this an egregious result.
Pryor is missing the entire 2011 Buckeyes season. If one assumes Pryor loves college football (and I think he does), his punishment has been more severe than Green's.

Just another perspective here. As for how egregious non-Buckeyes think the result is, I have a suggestion for them.

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Gatorubet;1943245; said:
You could have waited until Tress was banned from tOSU via a show cause ruling, that is true. Why you think keeping him on pending that finding is now a wise strategy, that I cannot fathom. Cutting losses was key.

That the Ohio BMV did not find impropriety in the car deal is great, but that has nothing at all to do with the pending NOA and the current investigation by tOSU and the NCAA pursuant to that NOA. One is mostly just babble between the press and bloggers. The other is more akin to a criminal charge, and nothing about the second is resolved by the good news of the other.

As to "multiple colleges being WAY more corrupt", you should afford them the same deference and presumption of innocence concerning their NOA as you (correctly) insist on applying to your own NOA.

I can see how how a fan could feel this way, truly I do. But to anyone not highly emotionally invested in the program from a Buckeye fan perspective, that bold sentence is damn near laughable Bill. Nobody in the NCAA gives a [Mark May] about how badly you feel about the loss of your coach when he violated 10.1 and let ineligible players take you to a bowl game - especially when he punked the NCAA (by hiding his knowledge of the violations) into letting his guys play after they were caught, thereby diminishing the severity of the tat-five violations assessed in December. TP walks
entirely for his crimes, neither missing games in 2010 like A.J. Green, missing the Bowl when the Justice Dept outed them, nor missing a game in 2011 despite having cheated to get the 2011 Sugar Bowl berth. Most non-Buckeyes think this an egregious result.

The NCAA also does not see nor care about "father figure" status...unless you can point me to a mitigation bylaw that says father figures are treated less harshly. Point in fact, they see a coach "who failed to deport himself with honesty and integrity associated with the conduct and administration of college athletics". The NCAA is not comprised of Buckeye fans who cherish The Game wins. The NCAA does not care about hospital visits with sick kids when it looks at 10.1 issues. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but the fan stuff has nothing to do with the legal stuff, and while it is fine to argue that it really should - to suggest that it does is intentionally misleading to some readers who will buy that line.

Too true. Nice to see things are getting better, allegation wise.

All fair opinions.

But UNC had what the NCAA deems an "NFL Agent" working as an assistant coach....and they still didn't get a LOIC charge.

If an NCAA team can have an assistant coach who is an "NFL Agent" in the NCAA's eyes, and still not get hit with LOIC, I just don't see how the NCAA slaps Ohio State with that tag because Tressel denied knowledge of players trading in championship rings for tattoos....
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WolverineMike;1943297; said:
how much he misses it will depend on how fat his first paycheck is. IMO

his paycheck would have been fatter next year.

This year he is coming off of a foot surgery with no NFL combine to show off how much of a freak he is. NFL gms get boners over the combine numbers.

5th round money for the next 4 yrs < 3rd round money starting next year for 3 years
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