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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Look on the bright side...Michigan still sucks.[/QUOTE]

Just visiting to get your take on the events. You'd think we (School up North fans) would be celebrating. Not the case from many I have talked to. My respect for your former coach can be summed up in one play; Seconds left in the game, comfortable lead and you're on our five in our house. Instead of punching it in you take a knee and run out the clock. That's how you earn respect. Woody turned over in his grave I'm sure. As a season ticket holder the past few seasons have been rough but a program as big as Michigan or Ohio State aren't built overnight and they don't fall overnight. Don?t misinterpret what I?m saying here though, I still ?hate? you guys! You have a few bad years ahead of you and our recruiting will more than likely benefit from this. College football needs us, both of us. See you on the other side, just don?t spit in my face. That?s not cool.
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matcar;1931740; said:
We differ then. Turning a blind eye to it seems just as bad to me. I stand by my point that the whole SEC=Cheaters tag should cease for Buckeye fans...we don't have a leg to stand on.

If the NCAA wishes to be credible, they should be proactive rather than reactive. Actively investigate all programs at random, rather than wait for some shit to pop up, and investigate after. They are almost as guilty in regards to "turning a blind eye" as the programs themselves.

Local Police depts actively patrol known areas of criminal activity. The NCAA won't be back at tOSU after the current investigation ends until someone else tips them off or we self report again. Waiting on the cheaters to tell you they are cheating is fucking ridiculous.

My main complaint isn't that it's ok because everyone else is doing it. My issue is that the NCAA doesn't care if you're doing it, so long as you don't get caught.

And while I'm at it, if SI is sending it's Pulitzer winning reporter to tOSU, then next stop should be Oregon or Auburn.
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DaBears;1931658; said:
Maybe I'm naive, maybe OSU is the worst. I just can't see car dealers, boosters, tattoo parlor owners, convicted felons in Auburn or Baton Rouge acting any differently than the ones in Columbus.

you gotta look at population size.

other than Nashville (but Vandy don't care about sports, so they don't count), no SEC town is even half the size of Columbus.
Baton Rouge and Gainesville are the only 2 with over 200k population.
Hell Tuscaloosa doesn't even top 100k.

A lot easier to keep things under wraps when you ain't got 3/4 of a million people breathing down your back.
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SaturdayROX;1931735; said:
...and you honestly dont think that victory will be either vacated or forfeited? think about it.

So, use that one while you can! (I guess...)

Also - the whole situation surrounding 'the 5' and the Sugar Bowl - if dealt with in December, would have prevented almost ALL of this. ...so who REALLY won that game?
The Ohio State Buckeyes won the game. End of story. No different from the Auburn Tigers winning the NC game.

Future paperwork modifications notwithstanding, the outcomes of these games will not change.
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Something you guys don't understand. SEC fans expect their schools to be in the NCAA dog house occasionally. It's just part of the deal as they see it. But then again few of them operate under the pretense that they are actually watching amateur football either.

And judging by the fact that schools outside the SEC get caught about as often as schools in the SEC do I don't think you can single them out over anyone else.
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MaxBuck;1931772; said:
The Ohio State Buckeyes won the game. End of story. No different from the Auburn Tigers winning the NC game.

Future paperwork modifications notwithstanding, the outcomes of these games will not change.

And I fully expect the entire Auburn season to be vacated. (hope... pray...)

Boise 'state' penalties < Oregon penalties < USCw penalties << tOSU penalties <<<< Auburn penalties
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SmoovP;1931748; said:
I suspect my father may have had a 14" slab of meat dangling between his legs.

But that don't make him a pornstar.

I wasn't just making something up - I'm referring to the stuff about Lowder and McGregor and Auburn. It's not proven yet, but it's not just a figment of my imagination.

And about your father - I guess you're jealous because that skips a generation.
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Darkmyst;1931773; said:
Something you guys don't understand. SEC fans expect their schools to be in the NCAA dog house occasionally.

i don't think it's that they "expect" to get caught.
i just think that if you polled them annonymously and asked

"Would you be willing to cheat if it assured you of beating your rival and possibly winning a national title? Even if it meant the risk of losing it all if you get caught?"

My guess is that a large percentage would say yes they're willing to take the risk.

I don't know how that question would be answered in other parts of the country, but down South, I'm confident a lot would be ok with it.
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BUCKYLE;1931770; said:
If the NCAA wishes to be credible, they should be proactive rather than reactive. Actively investigate all programs at random, rather than wait for some shit to pop up, and investigate after. They are almost as guilty in regards to "turning a blind eye" as the programs themselves.

Local Police depts actively patrol known areas of criminal activity. The NCAA won't be back at tOSU after the current investigation ends until someone else tips them off or we self report again. Waiting on the cheaters to tell you they are cheating is fucking ridiculous.

My main complaint isn't that it's ok because everyone else is doing it. My issue is that the NCAA doesn't care if you're doing it, so long as you don't get caught.

And while I'm at it, if SI is sending it's Pulitzer winning reporter to tOSU, then next stop should be Oregon or Auburn.

Exactly. And the issue I haveis that the mediais only covering this as a tOSU problem. Thelesson should be that if a coach like JT and a school like tOSU that is trying to do things the right way and cannot, then the problem is systemic. I don?t defend JT andthe Bucketed because "everybody is doing it" but rather I will be pissed if this doesn't evolve into a greater discussion of what ails bigtime college football.

Please forgive my horrible typing. Autocorrect on this phone sucks!!
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PTBAIL;1931769; said:
Look on the bright side...Michigan still sucks.

Just visiting to get your take on the events. You'd think we (School up North fans) would be celebrating. Not the case from many I have talked to. My respect for your former coach can be summed up in one play; Seconds left in the game, comfortable lead and you're on our five in our house. Instead of punching it in you take a knee and run out the clock. That's how you earn respect. Woody turned over in his grave I'm sure. As a season ticket holder the past few seasons have been rough but a program as big as Michigan or Ohio State aren't built overnight and they don't fall overnight. Don?t misinterpret what I?m saying here though, I still ?hate? you guys! You have a few bad years ahead of you and our recruiting will more than likely benefit from this. College football needs us, both of us. See you on the other side, just don?t spit in my face. That?s not cool.

I'm inclined to offer you a bag of dicks to munch on for that avatar but that would be rude.
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