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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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UWFan;1931062; said:
Nah, I am just a Big 10 loyalists who hates the SEC.


you had me at "nah"
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buckeyboy;1931069; said:
I'm trying to put things in persepective. I hate to jump on the old "they're doing it at such and such school", but how are the Buckeye transgressions any worse than what scUM did with extra practice time under DickRod?

Because it is quite obvious that the extra practice under DickRod did nothing for them in terms of a competitive advantage. :biggrin:
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buckeyboy;1931069; said:
I'm trying to put things in persepective. I hate to jump on the old "they're doing it at such and such school", but how are the Buckeye transgressions any worse than what scUM did with extra practice time under DickRod?

I personally think it's worse. Years of what boils down to pay for play is worse to me than extra practice. Either way, they're difficult to compare because they're so different.
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buckeyboy;1931069; said:
I'm trying to put things in persepective. I hate to jump on the old "they're doing it at such and such school", but how are the Buckeye transgressions any worse than what scUM did with extra practice time under DickRod?
Seriously? A few minutes of extra practice vs. covering for players who violated rules and then lying that you know about it? I get that it's in our DNA to look for the easiest out, but come on now. That's not looking for perspective.
buxfan4life;1931076; said:
Because it is quite obvious that the extra practice under DickRod did nothing for them in terms of a competitive advantage. :biggrin:
I knew there was a joke here somewhere.
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3074326;1931079; said:
I personally think it's worse. Years of what boils down to pay for play is worse to me than extra practice. Either way, they're difficult to compare because they're so different.

Far be it from me to piss all over anything from our friends up north but the two aren't in the same universe.

The extra practice thing was such inane bullshit its not even funny, it was fun to bust balls with don't get me wrong, but in the grand scheme it was our asshole neighbor getting a jaywalking ticket. Meanwhile the cops are still digging to find more bodies on our property.
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Onebuckfan;1931090; said:
When will it end Aug 12? Orwill the Ncaa accuse the school of more violations to be decided at a later date?
Nobody knows at this point. There's apparently a whole new investigation starting. Even when they rule, there will be the whole appeals process, so this thing is just beginning. Bill Greene had some sage advise over on scout that I'm subscribing to...draw a line through 2011 and at least half of 2012.
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NFBuck;1931092; said:
Nobody knows at this point. There's apparently a whole new investigation starting. Even when they rule, there will be the whole appeals process, so this thing is just beginning. Bill Greene had some sage advise over on scout that I'm subscribing to...draw a line through 2011 and at least half of 2012.
At least during the season we have the games..its the off season that.s becoming tough to take..it seems the resignation is more the beginning then the end ..
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y0yoyoin;1931100; said:
outside the lines right now on ESPN...interviewing speilman and sweet hair and facial hair HOOOOLEY

Don't forget about the random dude from OU who doesn't really have any reason to be there.

Called Tressel's acts an "unforgivable sin." Apparently Tressel not only covered info up, but he raped and murdered a child.
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Jaxbuck;1931088; said:
Far be it from me to piss all over anything from our friends up north but the two aren't in the same universe.

The extra practice thing was such inane bullshit its not even funny, it was fun to bust balls with don't get me wrong, but in the grand scheme it was our asshole neighbor getting a jaywalking ticket. Meanwhile the cops are still digging to find more bodies on our property.

By your analogy it's hard to tell which one actually provided a competitive advantage.
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