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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Gatorubet;1931131; said:
I thought the point was whether jaywalking or dead hooker buying gives one a better competitive advantage.

I vote for dead hooker burying, as it unquestionably builds up the forearms..............I've read. :paranoid:

I just wanted t take a minute and thank gator publicly for all the class and restraint he's shown here during all this.

And to Gator personally, buddy when that day comes and Timmah gets caught with his jockey's down in a truck stop men's room, dammit I'm there for you!! You just tell us the board you'll be hiding on and your Buckeye brothers are there!
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Jaxbuck;1931148; said:
I just wanted to take a minute and thank gator publicly for all the restraint he's shown here during all this.

The physical choking and broken keyboards are all on you this time Jax.

When we had our decade of highly publicized problems/violations there were no internet forums to follow. Hard to say if it was a blessing or a curse. No ESPN heads spewing 24/7 to be sure. Our troubles led to a decade of unheard of success when the new coach arrived. While y'all have a far better program now than ours was then during our troubles, I have no doubt about the very real possibility your present troubles will lead to even greater success than y'all are used to now.
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Gatorubet;1931159; said:
The physical choking and broken keyboards are all on you this time Jax.

When we had our decade of highly publicized problems/violations there were no internet forums to follow. Hard to say if it was a blessing or a curse. No ESPN heads spewing 24/7 to be sure. Our troubles led to a decade of unheard of success when the new coach arrived. While y'all have a far better program now than ours was then during our troubles, I have no doubt about the very real possibility your present troubles will lead to even greater success than y'all are used to now.

I take a backhanded shot at Tebow and this is what I get.


I guess we still have to wait a while for things to get back to normal.
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Onebuckfan;1931176; said:
Can it get worse? up till now its been tOSU and JT one one side..NCAA ESPN et al. I see the AD trying to distance the Athletic Dept. from JT now.... Gene must go when the NCAA finally makes a ruling..

If the AD has to go then why not now? What is there to be gained by waiting? If the AD is basically lame duck status then what incentive does he have to do be extra diligent in handling this issue?
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Darkmyst;1931186; said:
If the AD has to go then why not now? What is there to be gained by waiting? If the AD is basically lame duck status then what incentive does he have to do be extra diligent in handling this issue?

Diligence? Why start now?
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Darkmyst;1931186; said:
If the AD has to go then why not now? What is there to be gained by waiting? If the AD is basically lame duck status then what incentive does he have to do be extra diligent in handling this issue?
Just my guess, but I'm thinking they'd want a succession plan in place. They screwed the pooch with the Tressel affair, don't think they want a repeat with the AD.
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OHSportsFan9;1931182; said:
Kids would have been better off robbing someone.

or raping somebody...

or holding somebody up at gunpoint for their money...

or getting caught driving drunk...

or beating up their girlfriends...

...the NCAA doesn't enforce "actual" crimes. Just the B.S. like improper benefits.
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Kids would have been better off robbing someone.
But really, going back to this.

Thinking of a new means of cheating- how about a kid robs someone, school rules kid ineligible/suspended until resolution, guy turns investigation into he said/he said, charges get dropped, any money involved in the "robbing" incident is mysteriously forgotten. Boom. Payday!

Or really, just get arrested kids! It's only a 1, maybe 2 game suspension and goes to the back page fodder in a week AND no NCAA violations.
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Darkmyst;1931186; said:
If the AD has to go then why not now? What is there to be gained by waiting? If the AD is basically lame duck status then what incentive does he have to do be extra diligent in handling this issue?
Who would want it now..to many unknowns..I expect it to get really messy with the Administration trying to dump as much of this as they can on JT in order to lessen the punishments ie.loss of revenue to the athletic dept.
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TS10HTW;1931191; said:
or raping somebody...

or holding somebody up at gunpoint for their money...

or getting caught driving drunk...

or beating up their girlfriends...

...the NCAA doesn't enforce "actual" crimes. Just the B.S. like improper benefits.

or driving drunk and killing a compliance officer from the NCAA
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TS10HTW;1931191; said:
or raping somebody...

or holding somebody up at gunpoint for their money...

or getting caught driving drunk...

or beating up their girlfriends...

...the NCAA doesn't enforce "actual" crimes. Just the B.S. like improper benefits.
The 5 game suspension is what the players got..

The issue is the head Coach sat on the info and lied to the NCAA.
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