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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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OHSportsFan9;1931182; said:
Kids would have been better off robbing someone.

Unfortunately, this is a case where the alleged cover up is worse than the crime. To do nothing in response to the April emails, and play an entire season with those players, got us in this deep. Self report immediately, investigate immediately, suspend the players for the first 4 games of last season and Jim Tressel still has his job. We also wouldn't be getting an anal probe by every hack with a laptop and a ticket to Columbus, Ohio.

Instead, every dirty little secret - no matter how small - is going to bubble to the surface. We're not the only ones with these issues, but we brought the magnifying glass on ourselves in this case.

Prepare your anus. :ohwell:
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Bleed S & G;1931204; said:
The 5 game suspension is what the players got..

The issue is the head Coach sat on the info and lied to the NCAA.

That wasn't my point. I know the players got a 5 game suspension. So what. I know the coach lied and sat on info. So what.

My point was, as was OHSPORTS, that they would have been better off committing an actual crime and getting caught rather than deal with all this Tatgate cover up BS.

Tonyank;1931214; said:

Si stays away from this story. Wonder why. Yahoo. Where u at? Espn??? Lol. Fuck tue media. The can make a mountain out of whatever they want. Fucking bullshit

Funny how that works, huh?

Jake;1931206; said:
We also wouldn't be getting an anal probe by every hack with a laptop and a ticket to Columbus, Ohio.

Sorry, but I call bullshit. A mouse farts in C-Bus and Espin is all over it. IF you think that the guys owning up to it and Tress reported it would have made all the other shit like Eddie Rife and the cars just magically go away you are wrong.

This shitstorm was coming and there was no stopping it. Being honest up front would have definitely helped but it doesn't change the past.
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George Dohrmann believes that there's a lot more to be uncovered: Fear The Hat

Dohrmann claims the numbers of players that he wrote committed NCAA violations (28 since 2002, including 15 current players) are conservative.
He says the article was very thoroughly vetted by the magazine?s lawyers.
Admitting his sources have colorful backgrounds, he says he had to go with these sources because OSU?s players ?weren?t hanging out with priests and nuns.?
Dohrmann has a unique theory on why Tressel kept quiet about the NCAA violations, even after receiving an e-mailed tip. Although most people have said it was because Tressel didn?t want to jeopardize what promised to be a spectacular season, Dohrmann feels it may also have been that Tressel knew an investigation would open a bigger can of worms.
He thinks Terrelle Pryor has played his last down for Ohio State.
He believes that Pryor traded, ?more than 20 items, *including game-worn shoulder pads, multiple helmets, Nike cleats, jerseys, game pants and more? for tattoos or cash. This, Dohrmann argues, should prove OSU was aware (or should have been aware) of what was going on. How could they not notice how much equipment was going missing?
Dohrmann says he contacted Ohio State Friday to give them a chance to respond to the allegations in the SI story, and they stonewalled him. He said the university would not even confirm or deny if they relayed the information to coach Tressel.
He believes the NCAA will ?hammer? the Buckeyes. Quoting Dohrmann, ?If this isn?t institutional control, I don?t know what is.?
When asked if he?s done investigating Ohio State, Dohrmann responded, ?I wouldn?t say that, no.?
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Nothing I have seen so far.....

BuckeyeNation27;1931133; said:
i don't think that's his point. selling things you own but might not necessarily want for things you do want is not a competitive advantage.

Nothing I have seen so far has lead me to believe that kids knew BEFORE they stepped foot on campus about "perks" that some have been now proven to get and some others have been accused to have gotten. So I would say no competitive advantage.

Now if it comes out that recruits are being told about how things work in order to lure kids to join up... Now its a whole different level of troubles. Again though, nothing has been show that this is the case.
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MaliBuckeye;1931230; said:
George Dohrmann believes that there's a lot more to be uncovered: Fear The Hat

Decent theory that would make sense. Can you imagine if Pryor/others were stealing equipment to sell on the street?

What if we have falsified police reports due to reporting stolen cleats? Yikes. Just keeps getting deeper...

Seems like it's pretty likely this theory will gain some steam shortly....I don't think Dohrmann would let this cat out of the bag unless he had some solid feelings about it.

I also wonder if this theory may have initially been in the tOSU report just released, but SI editors/lawyers had it removed without concrete evidence.
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billmac91;1931240; said:
Decent theory that would make sense. Can you imagine if Pryor/others were stealing equipment to sell on the street?

What if we have falsified police reports due to reporting stolen cleats? Yikes. Just keeps getting deeper...

Seems like it's pretty likely this theory will gain some steam shortly....I don't think Dohrmann would let this cat out of the bag unless he had some solid feelings about it.

I also wonder if this theory may have initially been in the tOSU report just released, but SI editors/lawyers had it removed without concrete evidence.
If this is the case, I think this slides more towards criminal prosecution than ncaa compliance issue...as it should. Unless, of course, compliance knew of it and covered it up. At this point, who the hell knows. I stopped reading the crap long ago and I'm just waiting for the final verdict so we can move forward.
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