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Yahoo, Tattoos, and tOSU (1-year bowl ban, 82 scholly limit for 3 years)

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Hello, I am a Wisconsin Alum and I just wanted to say that this is really unfortunate, I can't speak for any other Non-Buckeye fans, but I DO NOT like seeing this happen to the Big Dog in the Big Ten.

While I naturally want us to always beat OSU, like any other team, but having a National standard bearer like OSU as a target makes it so much more fun. Don't take this the wrong way please, it is in the spirit of competition that I reveled in beating OSU this year not because I hate them, but because OSU is the team to beat in the Big 10, you guys have the target on your back and you have earned it.

So I look forward to when this is all cleared up, whatever sacntions are handed out and battling the national powerhouse that is OSU.
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UWFan;1931046; said:
Hello, I am a Wisconsin Alum and I just wanted to say that this is really unfortunate, I can't speak for any other Non-Buckeye fans, but I DO NOT like seeing this happen to the Big Dog in the Big Ten.

While I naturally want us to always beat OSU, like any other team, but having a National standard bearer like OSU as a target makes it so much more fun. Don't take this the wrong way please, it is in the spirit of competition that I reveled in beating OSU this year not because I hate them, but because OSU is the team to beat in the Big 10, you guys have the target on your back and you have earned it.

So I look forward to when this is all cleared up, whatever sacntions are handed out and battling the national powerhouse that is OSU.

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nookam;1931009; said:
The bottom line is Tressel came in with baggage and was hired. He put himself in this position and tOSU and fans will suffer for years. I am sure the powers than be would sign up for the same penalties as USC right now......it will be worse. tOSU will survive and hopefully will employee men of integrity and recruit likewise.
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I agree with this but I think the bigger lesson to be learned is if you are going to drive around with dead hookers in the trunk (and if you are the HC of a major program you are), DON'T get pulled over for a busted taillight. Give the keys to a grad assistant and tell him to go run the errand for you. That is what they are for.

The cynic in me says this all really comes back to sucking at cheating.
John Calipari agrees.
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MaxBuck;1931044; said:
I'm not at all clear our problems relate to the "character" of our athletes. I think a knee-jerk reaction to recruit a different "type" of player could really backfire on us.

Let's face it: elite HS athletes commonly live a life in which they are treated like pampered superstars, and many if not most of them acquire some level of "entitlement" in their attitudes. That doesn't make them bad people; it must be hard to hear that kind of praise all the time without its going to your head. And make no mistake - we need elite athletes to remain a premier football program. Omelettes require broken eggs.

Recruit more players with Sullinger style attitudes, and less with Pryor style attitudes.

But you make a fair and reasonable point.
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Jaxbuck;1931036; said:
The cynic in me says this all really comes back to sucking at cheating.

This is something that I keep coming back to. It goes back to what Andy Staples wrote in his article about the head coach always being just enough removed from the muck so he can't get fired. I don't know if I should be happy or sad that OSU is [Mark May] at cheating.
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Darkmyst;1931041; said:
The pressure fan bases put on coaches to win means they have to share part of the blame for the win at nearly any cost attitude these days. It's one thing for fans to say in hindsight that it would have been better off if Maurice Clarret, Pryor, Reggie Bush or OJ Mayo had never gone to school here. But when the coach says "These guys aren't <insert school name> material" and doesn't sign them and then goes 2-8 against UM or UCLA I think the fans will be talking about erecting gallows poles instead of "well at least we are doing it right".

Bottom line is we will win no matter what. We aren't Auburn or West Virginia were we rely on a superstar every 5 seasons or so to lead us to a good season. We will win because the school has so much to offer potential recruits. Sure you have to take chances on superstars and you go after obvious no brain talents like TP or Jevon Clowney but when they FUCK up hit them with consequences. If they down learn from their infractions you kick them off the team. If they're going to be selfish players and obviously break the rules when they're being provided a free education then they don't deserve what they have in front of them. It wasn't a grey area like they were signing items for a foundation and just didnt know any better. They were trading signed material for self benefit. I mean how can they not know they where breaking rules and the fact they just didn't care tells me they don't care enough about what OSU means to them.
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